Baby had her first post-surgery ultrasound scan of her kidneys today. She is required to have an ultrasound scan every 6 monthly for the first 2 years after the surgery and thereafter once a year until she turns 12 years old! What a loooooong time! She is also required to have a DMSA scan of her right kidney in 1.5 year’s time to check the function of her right duplex kidneys. Anyway, the ultrasound scan today showed that the muscles surrounding her right duplex kidneys look good. This normally suggests that the kidneys are growing and our doctor was optimistic on the pictures of the scan.
As regards her weight, which I had highlighed to the doctor as I have been quite worried that her weight seems to be climbing up pretty slowly, our surgeon is not at all concerned. Baby only weighs a pathetic 9kg at 20 months old. He reassured us that Baby is thriving as she looks pinkish and healthy. He said that I cannot expect her to be ‘big’ as both hubby and I are not ‘big’, especially me. After what she had gone through for the first 14 months of her life, I cannot expect her to be chubby. He would prefer Baby to be petite than ‘big’ and obese.
I was really amazed that Baby could remember the X-ray department vividly though her traumatic experience had past 6 months. She was bubbly and cheery the whole day but the moment we brought her to the X-ray department, especially the dimly lit ultrasound scan room, she freaked out, whimpered and ran away. From a bubbly, active child, she instantly transformed into a passive, frightened child who clung on to me like a koala bear, refusing to let go an inch. She had an expressionless look on her face and nothing we did could bring a smile on her face. She was paralyzed with fear and looked exactly like how she looked like during her 3 weeks nightmarish stay in the hospital in May this year.
My poor frightened Baby, with her head on daddy’s shoulder. She was so petrified that she fell asleep on my shoulders.
Before the ultrasound scan started, she was yelling away the moment I tried to place her on the examination bed in the ultrasound scan room. I knew she would resist, so I asked the doctor if I could hold her. Thankfully the doctor said yes and I carried her. When I placed her on my lap, Baby pulled my blouse down and wanted to nurse! I asked the doctor if it was ok to nurse her and she said yes. And so the procedure went quite smoothly with Baby latched on lol… and all the nurses were staring at me lol!
Back at the surgeon’s office, Baby again refused to be placed on the examination bed, so Daddy had to carry her whilst the doctor checked her wounds…. and mummy was busy at work… snapping pix away like a papparazi.
After we left the hospital, we went to the nearby Giant to buy diapers as hubs had forgotten to put the bag of diapers into his car boot this morning. Baby was happy, bubbly and all smiles again, running around Giant and grabbing things.
We will be checking out of Northam Suites tomorrow morning and will be checking into Hard Rock Hotel. Stay tuned for my updates!
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I’m really happy for Baby C. No Christmas wish could be better than to know she’s in pink of health. Enjoy yr break in Pg.
happy to hear that everything went well with Baby C.
glad that all went well
poor baby C looked so scared. guess kids have memories like an elephant eh? enjoy yourself in penang 
poor baby c! i feel for her having to revisit the doc every 6 months. i doubt she will forget the trauma she had. thank goodness the scan came out alright though.
enjoy ur holidays now baby c! and also to the rest of u! we will see all the smiles again soon.
Poor baby, she looked so fragile in the photo *hugs* Glad that everything is going well :))
To think that she can still recall the trauma after all this time. Poor gal! Its wonderful that everything is ok now.
It’s a good Xmas present for you. Glad she is alright.
ooo I m so happy to hear the positive results on Baby C. Enjoy ur holiday…now can fong sam
poor baby….am glad that it was all good news
enjoy the rest of the trip !!
Great to hear that Baby is doing well. Hope it will be good news all the way.. until she no longer needs to go for check-ups. Enjoy your stay in Hard Rock ya!
So happy to see that Cass is doing very well now. Have a wonderful holidays in Penang then.
maybe you can try pediasure to boost her weight.
i love the 1st photo with daddy.. how not to manja her with that expression
Hope you’ve gotten all the check ups etc out of the way, everything is fine and now you can have the peace of mind to enjoy your holidays. Take care.
So happy to hear that everything is going smoothly! Now time to enjoy your stay at Hard Rock
Great to hear that baby C is fine. Enjoy your holiday in Penang ya…amazed with HRH?
So happy to hear that baby C is doing good! Cant wait to see your holiday post in Penang!
So glad to hear baby C is recovering so well. When my dtr had her surgery she had a 6mth followup, and after that was told to call only if there were problems. Thankfully there weren’t.
I wouldn’t worry abt her weight either as she is eating, being active and meeting all her developmental milestones. But alas, being mums we always want to do more. So, here is further affirmation u are doing a great job!
Have Fun in hard rock hotel!
glad to know that baby c is fine!
That’s wonderful news! And the dr has oso reassured u abt her weight. We r all so relieved.
oh for a mo i tot u having baby #4. sorry sorry. didn’t managed to read ur much much earlier posts. hope cass is ok.
Good to hear. I am sure baby C is geting stronger and healtier every day…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!