Guess what this is? It’s the gals’ play tunnel, folded and buttoned up. And guess what Alycia loves doing with it? More guesses. Guess what’s inside this tunnel, which looks like the shell of a snail?
One afternoon, Alycia napped inside this little cocoon… and Baby found her jie jie inside….
… and kept calling cheh cheh, cheh cheh…. until cheh cheh woke up from her beauty sleep…
Then this little monkey followed suit, hopped inside and pretended to sleep like her cheh cheh….
Later, both of them had more fun crawling in and out of their cocoon. They sure know how to find games to entertain themselves when mummy is busy.
No. of times viewed = 274
Haha… at least they nap. Btw, it’s no guess when your title is already a giveaway ; ) Happy sunday! I’m still nomad-ing.
alycia can sleep inside wo any mattress … LOL so comical.
Hehehe…looks so comfy in there. My gal asked me where did you get that bed. xD
hey, that’s so cosy le. nice lah napping inside. hehehehe!
wah….really fell asleep ah??aiyo…bengkok the body lor…
with such a close gap, they sure can entertain and play themselves!
so creative leh!!! *haha*