That’s how ‘tarn’ (relaxed) Alycia and Sherilyn are having mah mah giving them personalized in-house manicure and pedicure! I wish I could have in-house manicure and pedicure too while I lie down and have some shut-eye! That’s going to be so ‘song’ (nice) !!
Check out Baby behind her 2 jie jies lying down and waiting for mah mah to ‘service’ her too, hahahahahahaha!!
Later, my 2 brats brought some cushions and bolster to make themselves more comfortable, with Baby following suit!
I’d like to wish all my readers and customers of my online store a very, very blessed and happy new year. I wish the year 2010 will be a better year for everyone!
No. of times viewed = 217
how i wish i can be like your angels…so
“tarn”….Wishing you& family a happy new year 2010 as well!!!!
hahaahha….baby is so cute
Happy New Year to all at home. Wishing you good health, happiness and prosperity 
I like the first pic, Baby C is so cute, sleeping under the table. Lol!
Happy New Year to you and your family.
hahaha yes, I see Baby’s legs in the background. So “ho meng”!
Hahahaha …. baby C is actually ‘Q’-ing up for her turn, sooooo cute!!! Kekekekeke …..
Happy New Year to you and your family dear
They are so good together, one following another. Have a great year ahead!
wahaha so relaxing. When read your topic I though you bring them for pedicure tim haha
oh… so tarn wo.. I want it too… even with pillows and bolsters, they really know how to tarn hor…
so nice to have grandparents “fuk si” them ah…
so cute. getting pampered and so much fun.