These are some of the dishes that my mil cooked last week:
Turmeric (kunyit) chicken which is everybody’s favorite, especially moi! I always polish off all the chopped turmeric and shallots, yums! And then have yellow lips and teeth, hahahaha!
Braised turnip with carrots, mushrooms, sliced pork, dried cuttlefish and Chinese parsley. Another of my favorite dish.
Pan fried ikan kembong stuffed with fresh turmeric – the gals’ favorite. My 2 gals LOVE fried fish and this is one dish that can surely bring a big smile of their faces.
A pot of double boiled abalone soup with cordyceps, lean pork and Chinese wolfberries or goji berries. A real delish and healthy soup. This is the hubby and rascal #2’s favorite.
My mil also baked a tray of red skin banana muffins (sugar reduced). This time, she added President whipped cream and fresh plain yoghurt to the batter and the muffins turned out really fluffy, soft and delish.
Are you drooling now?
Oh yes, on top of these, she also baked 2 loafs of purple sweet potato bread and yesterday she baked blue cheese bread with wheat bran! And we also received 2 loafs of huge Italian Panettone Christmas bread from my sil all the way from Hong Kong 3 days ago. So much carb-laden food at home and all so irresistible!
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