What’s Up Baby?

Baby has been driving me up the wall lately not only with her daredevil stunts but also with her diaper-removing and clothes-removing rebel! What’s up Baby? You have 5 more months to reach 2 years old, so why are all your Terrible Twosย traits rearing their ugly head now? Feeding time is another hair-pulling, skin-tearing, tear-jerking session for me. She is really wearing my patience thin and at times, I feel like strangling her!! Raising kids is such a tough chore. Sometimes I wonder if it’s only my kids who are so difficult to handle, or maybe I am just not cut to be a SAHM. I always tell my kids in the midst of my frustration that mummy feels like running far, far away from them.

Baby in the mood to strip to show off her new red bikini, hehe. Moments later when I turned my back, she unbuttoned the snap buttons on her cloth diaper and swung the cloth diaper out! This always makes me run to her like a headless chicken and carry her out of the playpen. This is one of Baby’s manipulative ploy to get herself out of the playpen, another one is climbing out like a tiger cub! She is cunning and manipulative, isn’t she?ย  OMG, she’s just like Sherilyn!

No. of times viewed = 338

Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

18 thoughts on “What’s Up Baby?”

  1. Baby C is much better than joshie. He started climbing out of playpen at 11 months and removing diaper at 10 months. I only let him wear pull up diapers now

  2. For my girl, her terrible two came early as well. And is there such thing as the Terrible Three??

    No, not only your kids. I have one, and it’s already too much for me to handle! And I understand completely how you feel. Being a SAHM is even more hard work than being on call for 36 hours straight with only half hour to 1 hour nap in between!

  3. Wah, so sexy…just let them be la….they’re only gonna be kids once and before you know it, they’ll be all grown up and boring and wanting to run away from you instead. Only 5 more years, Mommy!!! Out of your 80 years life span, it is only a short time to wait – LOLOLOL

  4. You are definitely doing a great job as a SAHM!! I seriouslly dunno how u handle or survive. Btw, maybe it’s time she doens’t want the playpen… haha, since u dun have stairs in the condo, should be safe to have her running around, rite?

  5. Reading your blog makes me laugh. and make me realize i am not alone. Coz my 2boys (23 mths and 5mths) also drives me nuts everyday. 1 being koala all the time, 1 love to screams whole day… I wonder how other mummies also deal with cool and calm.. i just can’t..
    hehehe red bikini is very cool though..

  6. Though I know you were so angry while taking this picture.. but as a viewer, I can’t stop laughing ๐Ÿ˜› Let’s think it this way, baby C is really smart, don’t you think so too??? Haha!

  7. hehehe..my parents and I also feel like want to cekik my gal sometimes ๐Ÿ˜› and i’ll tell her that i don’t want you anymore la!! then she’ll say “want me, want me”. muahahahaa. the hair pulling, skin tearing moment seems to be haunting us like nightmare hor. cham….

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