Guess what my 3 monkeys are doing here with mah mah? Something really interesting is up coz mah mah is whipping up a surprise for them…..
Manuka honey muffins in Mickey Mouse cups. Nice hor? Tastes nice too coz they are not too sweet and I like the aroma of the Manuka honey.
Now that I know how to operate our android digital oven, my mil has been baking bread every other day. Nice, iLike it! When she goes overseas again soon, I’ll take over with the baking.
These breads are not baked using a bread maker. Those of you with bread makers would surely agree on one thing with me – that is the skin of the bread made using the bread maker is hard, right? So my mil made her breads from scratch and the dough are all proved / fermented for 17 long hours. That’s why her breads are all soft and the texture is different from those made using a bread maker.
Nice to see, nice to eat but my weight is definitely not nice to see on the scale. I’ve been eating so much bread and muffins that my weight ain’t budging down a wee bit. The only thing I can do is to run longer and intensify my speed every morning, beginning next week when the school holidays start. That’s when I don’t have to rush home to prepare my 2 monkeys for school.
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wow, ur MIL bakes…the bread n muffins look real good!!!
looks very nice Manuka honey muffins in Mickey Mouse cups summore…. n the breads look very tempting la… how nice got so much nice food to eat
Hi Shireen,
I’m drooling over the photos of bread and muffins. Can you kindly share the recipe of the bread and muffins? I would definitely love to try bake these up
Thanks in advance
wow, i also want the manuka honey cup cakes. make sure its in the same mickey cup too *hehe*
Wow! Look so good! I have been telling myself I want to learn baking since 3 years ago. But, I make zero cake, muffin or bread until now.
But, this is very convincing. LOL! Where can I get an oven. I want an oven now! Hahahaha…..
Oh my, the muffins and bread look really really good!! Besides cooking your mil is superbly good in baking too. Wld love to have the recipe too
what oven are you using? any photo of the oven? cos i am thinking of upgrading my oven. I want the recipes too..
oooo…delicious. i’ve cut down on carbs
Yummy + delicious!~
look so delicious. it’s one of the healthy food for kids and adults too.
you are so lucky. got a MIL that can cook and bake well. I have to fuk si my MIL, cause her cooking is only so-so.
it look so yummy! Now you don’t need to buy your bread and bun from your favourite bakery, you got home made one!!
The muffins goes with the Mickey cup, it makes so appealing….healthy bread loaf there, so good to have home-made one..always fresh and no preservative…so many can last for 1 week?
Agnes… the oven brand that I am using is Fotile.
Samantha, Fussy Mummy and Agnes… I will have to ask my mil for the recipe. It’s from a recipe book that she bought in HK.
O..I think Fotile have got a branch here in KK as well but I never visited their outlets. Is the oven expensive?
how i wish my MIL will bake for us too…. yes, can please share the recipes?