Yesterday, I caned Baby with the rotan (which is our back scratcher) for the first time. She has been driving me bonkers with her incessant climbing and nose-diving stunts from one sofa to the other. A few days ago, she fell down when she climbed up the dining table chair and had a blue-black bump on her forehead but that did not deter her a wee bit from climbing again. These days, she spends her days climbing up chairs, tables and sofas. If not, she will open up the TV console door and have a ball opening up all the VCDs, tearing apart the VCD plastic box, knocking remote controls, slamming my keyboard, pouring urine from her potty after she’d peed, bathing her body with her pee from the potty and the list of mischief is endless. She doesn’t sleep and nap for long too.
Whenever there is silence, I can be rest assured that trouble is brewing – both with rascal #2 and now rascal #3. The other night, I was busy doing revision with Alycia as the following day was her exam. Suddenly, all was silent in the living room. I turned my back and saw this:
This fler was happily pulling the tissue papers from the box… one by one, so song and chee kek….
Since there is no way I can stop her from climbing, I might as well just let her climb to her heart’s content. Just line the floor up with cushions. Very soon her new found freedom and excitement will wear off and she will settle down. I can only console and tell myself that she’s my last baby and enjoy all these while I can. A few years down the road, I may miss all these mischief and wish that my pre-teen girls are toddlers again.
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My Jaws dropped reading your post. Bb C must have “learnt” a lot of act from sis huh?! U R great that u still can handle 3 so well… I salute U!
I’m not sure..haha..I got a sense that she can top #2 for being mischivous…anyway really got to be watchful when she climb and jump.
Totally agree with Lynette… I SALUTE YOU, SHIREEN!! Dunno how u can manage, if me, I’d have check myself into Tg Rambutan dy… LOL! Anyway, you take care, and err… enjoy.
sound like baby C is turning into another Sherilyn.
My girl used to pull tissues out and opened all the CD and VCDs plastic boxes too. It is just a phase.
Like you said, enjoy all these moments.
Oh gosh..she really sounds like your #2 yea.
they can really keep you busy for the whole day, you got to keep calm if not you will get high blood pressure or nervous breakdown o..;D
Opps there goes the tissues. Did you ask her to fold 1 by 1 to keep it back?
haha…that’s exactly what my baby is doing too.
Yeah….sometimes really kei sei lei, but before you know it, they would have all grown up and we’ll be sitting around, reminising about those “naughty” times
wow geng!! I tot mine is hard to handle…not knowing your lil cili padi is even greater. She’s Sherilyn’s successor lah