One of rascal #2’s idiosyncracies is that her blanky MUST be be propely placed on her bed when she sleeps. Since she was around 3 years old up until now, she will spend some time every night to place her blanky really neatly, with all the 4 corners unfolded. If this quirk is not met, she will burst into a fits of rage and screeeeeam!
The other day, she was in a mood to make her bed. And this was how she made it:
Note that the blankey had to be placed straight, with all 4 corners unfolded! Anyone who tried to move the blanky an inch, she flipped and went “ooooooi…. why you touch my blanket, eeeeessssh!” And then she straightened the blanky again hahahahaha!
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oh no ! Amber is so like her. Obsessed over a flat 4 cornered blankie. One on her and another one folded over the bed’s railings. I’ve seen her wake up middle of the night , fold one over the railing , s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t and go back to sleep ! LOL !
My little girl is the same….not only for her blanky, but mine…..her blanket has a cover, and the opening of the cover has to placed on the side of her feet, cannot be facing her……and then also my skincare and cosmetics on my dresser….
It’s always arranged in such order….toner, serum, moisturiser and eye cream. Sometimes, I placed them in different order, and when she happened to see it….she would go like, “aiyah….Mommy, why you always NEVER put your things properly…?”….”You MUST always put back properly….you know?”….huh!! wonder who is the Mommy here…;) And wonder how she can remember how I normally arrange my stuff on my dresser….*shakes head
nice and neat that Sher did her blanket! and good that she is so neat..
Eh…neat freak like Mummy? Good lor!!
The true makings of a princess!
she’s really neat for someone who doesn’t like taking orders.
….guess u can ask her to help with house chores now? 
she is sooo cute lar!!
Sounds like a perfectionist.