Big Dreams

Several days ago, I finally moved my butt and did something that I had long dreamt to do but had kept procrastinating. I created a new gmail account and then proceeded to create a new Blogspot blog. I am going to sell some of my old-but-in-good-condition stuff in this blog. I also plan to sell new clothing (kids and ladies) and costume jewelries later. This blog is still under construction but will be unveiled very soon. With my very limited time, money and resources, this is the best I can do to earn some moolah. I’d love to have a proper online store and perhaps an assistant to help me but that would have to come later, depending on how well my business goes. I hope my little local online business would flourish into a business with purchasers coming from all over the world. That’s when I may need to consider a Las Vegas CPA to provide me with profit and financial advice. Big dreams indeed eh?

No. of times viewed = 167

On A Typical Day…

… this is what transpires at home:

Baby will play with the house phone. We used to have a cordless phone but Baby kept playing and throwing it and it’s now spoilt. The cordless phone has since been replaced with our old non cordless phone.

Alo, alo, alo, dadee…..”

Baby follows her samseng jie jie climb and jump on anything and everything….

Monkey see, monkey do…..

No. of times viewed = 170

Locked Out

Miss Itchy Fingers made another BIG boo boo. She locked the bathroom door of the master bedroom from outside and after searching through our bunch of keys, we realized that we did not have a key for that bathroom, BUMMER! I remembered reading about Ginnie’s blog post that she used her iPhone card to open up the door that her kids had locked out. I then quickly searched through my wallet and fished out my Bonus Link card (I have no iPhone card, so I chose Bonus Link card, a card that I never use) and tried to open the door. But I realized that for that particular door of ours, the lock could not be seen from the outside, thus a credit card or whatever card cannot be used to open up the door.   I went to other doors in our house to have a look for comparison and the lock of these doors can be seen from the outside, thus can be opened with a card in emergencies, by sliding the card between the door and the wooden frame. My mil and I also tried using coins to open the door but to no avail.

Later that night, daddy came home and took out the tool box. He took the hammer out, placed a stack of newspapers on the door knob and banged the door knob. In the past, he had successfully opened locked out doors using this method. After trying for about half an hour, the door was finally opened!  Thank God Baby was not inside the bathroom, other wise she would have been trapped inside for hours.

The door knob was yanked off during the procedure.

A hole on the bathroom door.  Check out Baby and Alycia inside the bathroom cabinet in the background!

No. of times viewed = 296

Welcome Terrible Twos

Yesterday, I caned Baby with the rotan (which is our back scratcher) for the first time. She has been driving me bonkers with her incessant climbing and nose-diving stunts from one sofa to the other. A few days ago, she fell down when she climbed up the dining table chair and had a blue-black bump on her forehead but that did not deter her a wee bit from climbing again. These days, she spends her days climbing up chairs, tables and sofas. If not, she will open up the TV console door and have a ball opening up all the VCDs, tearing apart the VCD plastic box, knocking remote controls, slamming my keyboard, pouring urine from her potty after she’d peed, bathing her body with her pee from the potty and the list of mischief is endless.  She doesn’t sleep and nap for long too.

Whenever there is silence, I can be rest assured that trouble is brewing – both with rascal #2 and now rascal #3. The other night, I was busy doing revision with Alycia as the following day was her exam. Suddenly, all was silent in the living room. I turned my back and saw this:

This fler was happily pulling the tissue papers from the box… one by one, so song and chee kek….

Since there is no way I can stop her from climbing, I might as well just let her climb to her heart’s content.  Just line the floor up with cushions. Very soon her new found freedom and excitement will wear off and she will settle down.   I can only console and tell myself that she’s my last baby and enjoy all these while I can.  A few years down the road, I may miss all these mischief and wish that my pre-teen girls are toddlers again.

No. of times viewed = 184

What’s Up?

Guess what my 3 monkeys are doing here with mah mah? Something really interesting is up coz mah mah is whipping up a surprise for them…..




















Manuka honey muffins in Mickey Mouse cups. Nice hor? Tastes nice too coz they are not too sweet and I like the aroma of the Manuka honey.

Now that I know how to operate our android digital oven, my mil has been baking bread every other day. Nice, iLike it!   When she goes overseas again soon, I’ll take over with the baking.

These breads are not baked using a bread maker.  Those of you with bread makers would surely agree on one thing with me – that is the skin of the bread made using the bread maker is hard, right?  So my mil made her breads from scratch and the dough are all proved / fermented for 17 long hours.  That’s why her breads are all soft and the texture is different from those made using a bread maker.

Nice to see, nice to eat but my weight is definitely not nice to see on the scale. I’ve been eating so much bread and muffins that my weight ain’t budging down a wee bit. The only thing I can do is to run longer and intensify my speed every morning, beginning next week when the school holidays start. That’s when I don’t have to rush home to prepare my 2 monkeys for school.

No. of times viewed = 691

Now I Can Download Movies And Huge Files At Lightning Speed!

One of the things that give me the peeve is when my hubs downloads movies on my PC. I don’t mind sharing my PC with him but each time he downloads movies, my PC begins to act up. First, it slows down and eventually ‘hangs’ up on me. Another thing that irks me is when my PC gets a warning that it has encountered a problem and it then gets ‘hang’ again when I enter certain websites or blogs. I related this problem to my hubs’ friend recently and he suggested that we install a VPN (virtual private network) into our computers.

We later found out from this friend why all these slowing down and ‘hanging’ on our computer are happening each time we download movies and big files. You see, the ISP (Streamyx or your internet provider) has this automatic control system that is able to detect whenever you download something that they do not allow, for example movie torrent. When this happens, your speed will be reduced significantly. Why are they doing this? That’s because they do not want to invest their money to expand their infrastructure. So obviously the best way is to control your speed so that you will not use up their resources. Unfair right? Well, you can scream at them or write endless complaint letters but all these will get you no where.

This is when the VPN thingy comes in handy. With this VPN, it acts as a guardian or middle-man between your computer and the internet. You don’t connect directly to the internet – you connect to the internet through the VPN’s anonymous servers, thus your privacy is protected. When your identity is hidden by the VPN, all your activities on the internet will not be known by ISP (Streamyx or your internet provider), thus ISP has no means to control your speed.

This service would certainly bring good news to those living in certain countries that ban or censor their citizen’s internet activity.

My hubs had just subscribed to the VPN service for his computer and it only costs him RM10 per month for 15-20GB. I have asked him to subscribe to this service for my computer too. With VPN, I will be able to download my favorite TVB series, Korean drama, games for my 2 older monkeys, etc at lightning speed, YAY!

BTW, this is NOT a sponsored post.

No. of times viewed = 343

The One With The Itchiest Fingers

No prize for guessing who took out the toothpicks and poked the mango all over. You know right?  Who else would’ve thought of the bright idea?

She said she would finish the mango but, but, but…. always a big but, but she didn’t! The mango with holes looked so gross that even I couldn’t force it down my throat.

This girl, she’s another one whom I feel like strangling sometimes, eeeesh!!

No. of times viewed = 209

Steamed Fish And Pumpkin With Butter And Mixed Herbs

This is one of Baby’s latest favorite dishes:

Ma Yau fish slice with organic Japanese pumpkin (this type of pumpkin tastes very much better than regular local ones), McCormick mixed herbs and butter.  This is before steaming.

This is how it looks like after 8 minutes of steaming in the pot.

Baby spoon-feeding herself. There was also a bowl of soup to wash down her meal. Baby eats like a kitten and can’t eat a lot in one sitting, so she eats a few small meals in a day. Feed her too much, I’m rest assured that her regurgitated food will spew out like lava from a volcano.

She liked it so much, she licked the bowl clean!

Sometimes I steam the fish with brocolli and carrots.  With the mixed herbs, butter and a pinch of salt, the dish tastes really good.  Even I like it.  It’s so easy and quick to prepare this meal and it’s bursting with nutrients too. 

No. of times viewed = 374

Monkey See Monkey Do

One reason why Baby is incredibly active and samseng is because her 2 jie jies are just like that. Monkey see monkey do, she’s getting really good training from both my 2 older gals whom I always call monkeys coz they climb, swing and jump non-stop.

Baby is doing forward rolls on the bed here, with her head landing first on the mattress on the floor.  Each time I see her perform this daredevil stunt, my heart would skip a beat and cold sweat would break out all over my body.

Baby getting exclusive one-on-one tutelage from her favorite jie jie.

This cheeky smile will surely melt my heart.

No. of times viewed = 190

Create A FREE Website For Each Of Your Child Today!

Want to create a website for your child or children? gives YOU and anyone a safe, private, easy and FREE way to create a personalized website for your child.  It works pretty the same way as a blog. has families worldwide that use their website to
* Keep friends and family updated;
* Create a digital or hardcopy scrapbook;
* Document pregnancies and the weeks that follow;
* Share all of baby’s “firsts” and beyond.

All you have to do is visit Baby Home Pages. On the right side of the page, there will be links to featured sites. Click on a few of those sites and you should be able to get a good idea of how it works. Feel free to create FREE ACCOUNT to test it out today!  Now, I am tempted to create another website for my girls 😀

No. of times viewed = 151

No Regrets Getting A Wireless Router

Since we moved into our new condo a year ago, my internet has been connected using a wireless router. My hubs had to buy a wireless router because of the location of my desktop and the location of the wall socket, which is not side by side anymore like it used to be in our old house. Initially, I was really apprehensive on the stability of the internet connection using a wireless router. Now, I am glad to say that the internet connection using a wireless router is MUCH stable than using a non-wireless router. So far, I have not had any major problem with my internet connection, knock on wood!

A wireless router is a combination of a router and a wireless access point, allowing devices to remotely connect to the internet and each other without the need for messy cables. A wireless router is NOT a wireless access point, which is a device that creates a wireless network (WiFi) and connects it to a wired network. For home use, most people will use a wireless router, unless you plan to have multiple access points.

If you are looking to upgrade or buy a new wireless router, I would suggest you to do some reading first to gather some information before deciding on which one to buy. And oh yes, don’t forget to get a VPN firewall (virtual private network) in addition to the above mentioned products to protect your files.

No. of times viewed = 178

Baby C Is 19 Months Old

Baby now loves to say “I wan” (I want) whenever she competes with her 2 jie jies to get food. She also loves to say “I wish” when she’s in a cheery mood but I really don’t know why she says that for I think she doesn’t know what it means. She will melt everyone’s heart by saying “peasssh, peasssh, peeeeeeeeeeasssh….” (please, please, please) whenever she wants anything.  She loves to run to daddy, mah mah, Alycia jie jie and me, pull our hand and say “come, come“, then bring us to the front door and say “kai kai” while holding her shoes. Looks like she’s another social butterfly who loves to go out and ‘wet’ hahah!

Baby loves onion omelette and will say “ah-nen” (Onion) when asked to. She also loves nibbling on pine nuts and would always open the fridge by herself (yes, she’s strong enough to pull the door of our heavy fridge), pull out the container of pine nuts and say “nut nut“.  If she’s tall enough, I’m pretty certain she’ll pull out the cheese from the fresh room drawer located on the upper part of the fridge coz she loves cheese too and can say “cheese…. I wan, I wan” very well whenever she sees her jie jies eating cheese.

Today Baby turns 19 months. Exactly 6 months ago, she underwent 2 major surgeries. In 5 months time, she will be 2 years old. I can’t believe how fast time has zoomed past me. Happy 19 months old my sweetie-pie.

No. of times viewed = 1064

Sherilyn’s Quirk

One of rascal #2’s idiosyncracies is that her blanky MUST be be propely placed on her bed when she sleeps. Since she was around 3 years old up until now, she will spend some time every night to place her blanky really neatly, with all the 4 corners unfolded. If this quirk is not met, she will burst into a fits of rage and screeeeeam!

The other day, she was in a mood to make her bed. And this was how she made it:

Note that the blankey had to be placed straight, with all 4 corners unfolded!  Anyone who tried to move the blanky an inch, she flipped and went “ooooooi…. why you touch my blanket, eeeeessssh!” And then she straightened the blanky again hahahahaha!

No. of times viewed = 181

Wholesome, Tasty And Fast-To-Fix Lunches

Whenever I run out of lunch ideas, sandwiches and toasts will always be served and they are a great hit with my 2 older gals too. Here’s what we had this week:

Tuna and hard boiled kampung chicken (free range chicken) eggs all mashed up and mixed with a heap of Philadelphia Light cheese spread, in replacement of the fattening mayonaise.  I had forgotten to chop up some raw cabbage to add into the mixture.  Raw cabbage in that tuna-egg-cheese combination tastes good, like coleslaw.

Then splatter the yummy tuna-eggs-cheese spread on 2 slices of walnut-wholemeal toasted bread and cut into triangles. Insert a slice of cheese and some cool Japanese cucumbers. Yums, Alycia loved this and said that it tasted as good as the ones from restaurants.

And this was my lunch on another day :

Bolognaise meat sauce on a slice of multi-grain-seed toast, sprinkled with some grated Parmesan cheese. So yummy! It tasted like a cross between pizza and canape.

No. of times viewed = 143

Our Sunday

Last Sunday was Aly and Sher’s pre-school concert. It was held at a public hall in town. I had to wake them up at 7am, got them all ready, dressed up in their costumes and put on make-up for them. They had to reach the hall by 9am.

Alycia was dressed up in a sexy Rock n Roll dancer costume to perform a dance titled ‘Rock Me’. Sherilyn donned on a red chicken costume and performed a Chicken Little dance. There’s actually a little drama attached to Sherilyn and her Chicken Little dance about 2 months ago when her teacher first started to teach her and her classmates the dance. This fler had refused to dance whenever she’s not in a mood to follow what the teacher said. This happened several times and her teacher and the principal later informed my hubs and I that they didn’t want Sherilyn to participate in the concert due to her alternating moods! After a little reprimand where daddy and I asked her to shape up or ship out, rascal #2 bucked up and there were no more complaints from the teacher or the principal.

When Baby saw daddy, her 2 jie jies and mah mah leaving the house, she quickly ran to the front door, took her shoes out and asked daddy to put on for her. She wanted to go too and kept saying ‘kai kai’! She was really raring to go out too and looked so piteous that she couldn’t follow. This happens every morning whenever she sees her 2 jie jies leaving the house for school with daddy.

To placate her, both her doting jie jies put on the shoes for her. Daddy then pushed her on her tricycle outside the house for a few minutes before they left.

After everyone had left, Baby ate a butter bun while my maid spoon-fed her milk. These days, she refuses to sit on her highchair during breakfast. She sits on the couch or on the floor in front of the tellie whilst my maid feeds her.  9 out of 10 times, she will protest and refuse to drink her milk half way through drinking the pathetic 3 ounces of Pediasure. I would normally take over from my maid, put Baby on my lap and struggle to finish spoon-feeding her the remaining milk, looooong sigh…..!  This I have to do 3 times a day, the second and third time will be done by myself alone without my maid’s help. Torturous or not you say?

No. of times viewed = 381

Alycia’s The Best Jie Jie In The World

People often tell me that first borns are always very caring and responsible. I think it’s so true. Alycia is indeed a very responsible and loving jie jie. If Baby is seated on the highchair during meal times and I’m busy in the kitchen, I don’t have to tell her what to do. She will leave her comfy seat at the dining table, sacrifice her meal for a while and stand next to the highchair to feed Baby. And she does it with so much TLC and cheerfulness.

And she would always tell me that her best friend is Baby!

No. of times viewed = 303