At almost 5 years old, Sherilyn still sucks her thumb! She sucks it when she is bored, when watching the tellie and when she sleeps. Each time we catch her sucking her thumb, we will say “STOP sucking your thumb!”. And each time Baby hears us reprimanding her jie jie, she will deliberately stick her finger / thumb into her mouth too, in a show of defiance. This little cili padi is now at the stage of showing defiance and testing my patience – you say “don’t do”, she will do it more. I am going through this phase the third time now and even up until now, my 2 older monkeys are still rebellious at times, especially rascal #2.
See the smug and cheeky look on Baby’s face! And Sherilyn was so absorbed sucking her thumb while watching tellie that she didn’t even realize I was snapping her malu pix, hahahah!
So song meh suck thumb? Thank God Baby only does it for fun and not habitually.
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Baby C is one cheeky baby.
You will have to show Sherilyn her thumb sucking pic when she grows up. Hahaha.. I wonder what kind of reaction she would have.
reminds me of my youngest sis, she suck her thumb until 6 or 7 y old lei
Very cute, it show’s the little baby still in her. Take one close up and show it to her next time are always like that.when u ask them dont do it they will do it more cos is so tempted when u say dont do it.Why dont u try reverse psychology instead.Instead of ask them dont do it tell them ah..go ahead do it…hahaha…only when is not dangerous stunt.
haha she doesn’t realise you snapping her photo. Next time tell her you are going to snap her shame photo, maybe this work. My gal will cry and say NO if I’m going to snap her shame and ugly part. I told her I’ll show it to daddy. keke
I dont think there is anything wrong or shameful about sucking thumb.. it is a comfort/security thing for a child.
You gotta understand that children who has such need for comfort things, may it be their thumb or blanket or pillow is exhibiting a certain amount of insecurity and lack of attention. They cannot get such essential affection/emotions from the people who are suppose to give them, they seek it from things that are “friendly” to them.. things that has been with them for a long time..
The more you try to stop it, the worse it becomes.. the best way to deal with it is to just not say anything about it, give your child plenty of personal attention and positive reinforcement. She will dump her habits once she is ready and confident.
At least it’s not gold-digging, which is what my #1 and #2 do!!!!
Maybe try use other ways to ask her stop sucking thumb instead of shouting for stop..but anyway if she not do that everyday I think it is still ok, as Bunnies said the act of comfortable and secure feel.
ahhahahahahah time will stop #2 from sucking..
Try to use the opposite. Ask her to suck the thumb and see wat happen?
hmm i dunno my kids dun suck thumb … sud be quite shiok la .. my niece suck until 7 year old.
i’ve also tried many things but i don’t really bother anymore with rye li. i have been meaning to put up all the pictures i’ve taken of her sucking her thumb 2 years back on our US trip on her blog but never did. i think i shld as well coz it does look kinda cute! haha.
i believe she will eventually stop, it’s jst a matter of time. and i also thank god that my no. 2 didnt follow suit.
My girl is about 7 years old now still can not stop sucking her thumb. It is so convenient for them to suck their thumbs whenever they want it. I believe her thumb has got a mark now like my girl.
baby c is so cute! now i know who is the other cili padi here *hehe*
wah so nice of them all sitting in a row sucking thumb LOL