Baby’s favorite line these days is “I wan, I wan, I waaaaaaan……”. She says it all the time – when she wants food, when she fights with her jie jies over toys, when she wants to go kai kai and when she wants just about anything. Her latest favorite word is “STOP!” and she says it whenever she’s angry. Just yesterday, she snapped at me and yelled “STOP!” and glared at me fiercely with her eyes wide open when I tried to force her to eat her food during dinner!
See how piteous she looked here. Daddy was about to leave the house and she ran to the front door bare-footed while holding on to her shoes and said “I wan, I wan, I waaaaan…..”
Daddy’s heart melted…. so he pushed her for a ride on the tricycle….
When her 2 jie jies saw, they too followed suit and joined in the fun.
No. of times viewed = 1916
when my nephew starts learning his speech, he too like to say I want want ….haha…i think thats nature of human being…
hehehe this gal becoming quite a cili padi, eh?
sooo cute…really can melt anyone’s heart…
haha so cute and “yeng” with her sunglasses.
I can imagine her cute calling of “I wan I wan”.
oh my, this lil chilli padi princess sure is fierce
Aiyo… where can tahan with a cute face like hers? Sure surrender lor…
that yell of ‘STOP’ must be cute though…..hahaha
what a cili padi
Kids these days, age 2, all really can drive us up the wall. I feel really tired cos Bryan is constantly testing my patience too.
Anyway, your charlie’s angels very stylo with the dark glasses
alamak, so the dad tak jadi go work?
ooooo she cute… easy to melt the daddy’s heart huh.. eheh
awwww… baby C is sooooooo cute
the 2 jie jie with sun glasses *nice* baby c is becoming more independent. wanting things her way