“NO, don’t climb, come down, I’ll cane you, I’ll beat you, I’ll throw you away, don’t jump, don’t touch, come here, etc…” …. These are the words that I say dunno how many umpteen times now each day to stop rascal #3 from performing her daredevil stunts. But nothing seems to be able to stop this brat. Her waking hours are spent climbing, jumping, rummaging drawers, playing with her jie jies’ magic color pencils and scissors and everything that’s she not supposed to do and touch. Standing guard behind her is a full-time job and I can’t do much during her waking hours.
When nothing could stop her from climbing the other day, I whacked her with a cane lightly. Baby who is super sensitive then bawled (anyone who shouts at her or hits her, albeit very lightly, she’ll turn her lips down, tries hard to control crying, then sobs and then gradually waaaaail out loud) ….
She then coughed, choked a little and pretended to puke (puking is her best defense weapon for she knows that the moment she’s about to puke, all and sundry will run to her and pacify her. See how manipulative she is and she’s just like rascal #2 when she was Baby’s age)….
I tried hard not to fall into her trap and let her cough and choke but rascal #2 ran to her baby sister, gave her a hug and sayang her. This managed to placate her a little and then off she went climbing again….
I whacked her again and she baaaaaawled again…..
The ending? I lost the battle. I had to carry her and sayang her again to stop her from crying coz I had just painfully spoon-fed her milk and I didn’t want her to spew the milk out like an angry volcano, sigh…..
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poor girl being beated by mummy……but true enough discipline is needed esp at this young age, if not after 4 very difficult to change already…
hahaha.. she is one cheeky and manipulative anak bongsu wo.
Just hang in there, Shireen, the phase will soon pass by.
instead of being so lou hei, why don’t you just give her the freedom of movement, if it is safe? My JL climbs like a monkey too… until today, she climbs up to the study table, sit or lie on it , or walk over my laptop, when we are doing work.
She is at her terrible two years of age now hard to control her adventurous acts.
Baby C is just too cute to be whacked…
Has she fallen before? I think kids would learned to be careful after they had a few falls… (within safety limits of course). I would deliberately let my kid to the almost fall down stage, and kept saying, “BE CAREFUL BE CAREFUL, PONG PONG PONG” hahaha.. It usually slow them down a bit for a very short while..
Elaine and Linda… Baby had fallen many times before, thus the reason why I am so stressed up each time she climbs. She now has bumps on her forehead and blue black bruises all over her limbs! She is the most samseng of my 3 gals, coz she is learning the tricks and traits from 2 big samsengs at home.
Aiyoh, I feel your frustration mommy … All I can say is hang in there, and hope she will learn something good from her sisters later
Maybe you can buy her a little helmet haha, as I’m sure you are most concerned about protecting her head. Mealtimes wear swimming cap, stunt-time wear helmet
Maybe you can try this. Every time she climbs, you put her in the corner as a punishment for 5 mins. No toys and nothing. Time out session.
Of coz someone has to be there to prevent her from coming out of the corner.
i can’t help but to laugh when i see your post
it’s just so cute… and cassandra’s so cute… i mean, the photos you’ve taken,
gosh!! i can’t imagine how i’ll be when that day comes (i mean my little one start to crawl, climb, jump, etc)
but i definitely can imagine the stress level you’re in now… pat pat!!
hehehe… tots love to climb, you just can’t stop them. so cute…
How to tahan that pitiful face???
i am facing the same problem as what you are facing. My aged 2 girl really climbing up and down. Last night she even sit on the younger brother (9 mths old) and say “guk guk ma” acting like riding horse…. then bit the brother ….. this really drives me crazy…. if you find a way to tame your kids… please please teach me…. other people keep blaming that i am too ‘over-sayang’ her… but actually i did all the shaouting, scolding, and bit her bump and cane very lightly. Help me la !!!