9 out of 10 times rascal #2 is given a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, she will spill the juice. It’s like jinx I tell ya coz it always has to be orange juice and soy bean milk that she spills. I have been observing her and analyzing why she always spills drinks and I concluded that the problem is that she moves too much. And obviously when she moves around like an octopus, her cup will surely topple over when it gets knocked by her elbow or her feet.
See this mess here? This brat was kneeling on the dining table chair when she ate her lunch several days ago. As she knelt on the chair, her body and hands were gyrating away like an octopus. And before I could remember to remind her to stand inside the kitchen to finish her cup of juice, I heard SPLASH and then I felt steam spewing out from my head. She got a good whacking from me.
I tell ya, I just hate cleaning up messes like this. I need at least 2-3 rounds of mopping to get rid of the stickiness. Whenever my maid is busy with other chores, I’ll be the one who has to break my back to clean up the mess.
After this incident, which was the umpteenth spillage, rascal #2 now has to stand inside the kitchen and gulp down her juice immediately after I had juiced it for her. The same goes for any drinks that are sweet, she MUST stand inside the kitchen and gulp it down IMMEDIATELY!
No. of times viewed = 221
how bout serving it those anti-spill baby drinking bottles ? just specially for her. maybe she’ll get the message to be careful then..
Shireen, I can understand how mad you would be. I was as mad as you when April spilled her Milo last time. This incident will totally spoilt the mood one. I hope that by forcing her to drink the juice in kitchen can overcome this.
i agree with u shireen, the cleaning up after the mess is really tiring, especially when u hv two other girls to look after too. i would lose my patience too if the spilling occurs over and over
At least she’s not doing it intentionally. Somehow, in my head, I picture Sher as someone who would grow up to be the most graceful
I can feel your steam even by just reading this!
Yes it’s sticky, smelly and need to wipe few times to clean it. Good idea to let her finish the drink in the kitchen.
Uh oh! You are so patient… If I were you, I’ll only clean the mess once, twice the max and the rest will be in a non-spill sipee cup. I totally understand the stress of cleaning up such mess, not to mention the wastage too
shireen, i will be as mang chang as you too!!!!
Hope your way to put her in ketchen to finish all drinks work, to create less mess for everyone.
Hehehe…next time before you give her orange juice, as her to sit in the bath tub to drink…:P