Not only is Sherilyn vain, she even likes to smell good and feel good all over. After her shower each time, she would insist on putting talcum powder all over her body and face, yes face… which makes her look really ridiculous haha! After applying talcum powder, she slathers lotion all over her body. Remember the talcum powder boo boo caused by Sher recently? Those of you who follow my blog closely would remember that she had poured the entire can of my Crabtree & Evelyn powder all over the bathroom and made hubs, my maid and I clean up the mess the whole night.
Each time this fler applies talcum powder on her face and body after her bath, she leaves traces of powder on the floor and counter top. Each time I see the mess, I feel like strangling her but each time I see this look on her face, my anger dissipates and I burst out in a guffaw….
Wet, ruffled hair with splotches of powder all over her face MUAHAHAHAHA…..
This girl irritates me and gives me migrane to no end but this same girl never fails to give me a hearty laugh too, everyday.
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