At almost 5 years old, Sherilyn still sucks her thumb! She sucks it when she is bored, when watching the tellie and when she sleeps. Each time we catch her sucking her thumb, we will say “STOP sucking your thumb!”. And each time Baby hears us reprimanding her jie jie, she will deliberately stick her finger / thumb into her mouth too, in a show of defiance. This little cili padi is now at the stage of showing defiance and testing my patience – you say “don’t do”, she will do it more. I am going through this phase the third time now and even up until now, my 2 older monkeys are still rebellious at times, especially rascal #2.
See the smug and cheeky look on Baby’s face! And Sherilyn was so absorbed sucking her thumb while watching tellie that she didn’t even realize I was snapping her malu pix, hahahah!
So song meh suck thumb? Thank God Baby only does it for fun and not habitually.
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