Monkey See Monkey Do

One reason why Baby is incredibly active and samseng is because her 2 jie jies are just like that. Monkey see monkey do, she’s getting really good training from both my 2 older gals whom I always call monkeys coz they climb, swing and jump non-stop.

Baby is doing forward rolls on the bed here, with her head landing first on the mattress on the floor.  Each time I see her perform this daredevil stunt, my heart would skip a beat and cold sweat would break out all over my body.

Baby getting exclusive one-on-one tutelage from her favorite jie jie.

This cheeky smile will surely melt my heart.

No. of times viewed = 190

Create A FREE Website For Each Of Your Child Today!

Want to create a website for your child or children? gives YOU and anyone a safe, private, easy and FREE way to create a personalized website for your child.  It works pretty the same way as a blog. has families worldwide that use their website to
* Keep friends and family updated;
* Create a digital or hardcopy scrapbook;
* Document pregnancies and the weeks that follow;
* Share all of baby’s “firsts” and beyond.

All you have to do is visit Baby Home Pages. On the right side of the page, there will be links to featured sites. Click on a few of those sites and you should be able to get a good idea of how it works. Feel free to create FREE ACCOUNT to test it out today!  Now, I am tempted to create another website for my girls 😀

No. of times viewed = 151

No Regrets Getting A Wireless Router

Since we moved into our new condo a year ago, my internet has been connected using a wireless router. My hubs had to buy a wireless router because of the location of my desktop and the location of the wall socket, which is not side by side anymore like it used to be in our old house. Initially, I was really apprehensive on the stability of the internet connection using a wireless router. Now, I am glad to say that the internet connection using a wireless router is MUCH stable than using a non-wireless router. So far, I have not had any major problem with my internet connection, knock on wood!

A wireless router is a combination of a router and a wireless access point, allowing devices to remotely connect to the internet and each other without the need for messy cables. A wireless router is NOT a wireless access point, which is a device that creates a wireless network (WiFi) and connects it to a wired network. For home use, most people will use a wireless router, unless you plan to have multiple access points.

If you are looking to upgrade or buy a new wireless router, I would suggest you to do some reading first to gather some information before deciding on which one to buy. And oh yes, don’t forget to get a VPN firewall (virtual private network) in addition to the above mentioned products to protect your files.

No. of times viewed = 178