Last Sunday was Aly and Sher’s pre-school concert. It was held at a public hall in town. I had to wake them up at 7am, got them all ready, dressed up in their costumes and put on make-up for them. They had to reach the hall by 9am.
Alycia was dressed up in a sexy Rock n Roll dancer costume to perform a dance titled ‘Rock Me’. Sherilyn donned on a red chicken costume and performed a Chicken Little dance. There’s actually a little drama attached to Sherilyn and her Chicken Little dance about 2 months ago when her teacher first started to teach her and her classmates the dance. This fler had refused to dance whenever she’s not in a mood to follow what the teacher said. This happened several times and her teacher and the principal later informed my hubs and I that they didn’t want Sherilyn to participate in the concert due to her alternating moods! After a little reprimand where daddy and I asked her to shape up or ship out, rascal #2 bucked up and there were no more complaints from the teacher or the principal.
When Baby saw daddy, her 2 jie jies and mah mah leaving the house, she quickly ran to the front door, took her shoes out and asked daddy to put on for her. She wanted to go too and kept saying ‘kai kai’! She was really raring to go out too and looked so piteous that she couldn’t follow. This happens every morning whenever she sees her 2 jie jies leaving the house for school with daddy.
To placate her, both her doting jie jies put on the shoes for her. Daddy then pushed her on her tricycle outside the house for a few minutes before they left.
After everyone had left, Baby ate a butter bun while my maid spoon-fed her milk. These days, she refuses to sit on her highchair during breakfast. She sits on the couch or on the floor in front of the tellie whilst my maid feeds her. 9 out of 10 times, she will protest and refuse to drink her milk half way through drinking the pathetic 3 ounces of Pediasure. I would normally take over from my maid, put Baby on my lap and struggle to finish spoon-feeding her the remaining milk, looooong sigh…..! This I have to do 3 times a day, the second and third time will be done by myself alone without my maid’s help. Torturous or not you say?
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