On Sunday, we attended my friend’s daughter’s 6th birthday party at Mc Donald’s. Yi Yi is my childhood friend since we were in nursery back in Ipoh and I’ve known her for over 3 decades! Her daughter is 1.5 months older than Alycia. Yi Yi is also the sil of Paik Ling. She told Paik Ling about my blog 2 years ago and since then, Paik Ling and I have been good friends as well. What a small world eh?
It was the first time Baby attended a kids’ birthday party and she grew wild when she saw the indoor play area. She didn’t want to eat her food that I’d brought for her. She kept clapping her hands and rocked her body to the blasting music that was being played. She went down the slide countless times and didn’t want to go home!
Recognize this handsome boy? He’s Paik Ling’s Bryan.
My lil’ missy really looked like a little aunty here, with the McD party bag over her left hand and with the same hand clutching on to some french fries! See, forbidden food always taste so darn good. She was so busy sipping her chilled Ribena and munching on her french fries that she didn’t play much.
The sweet little girl behind Sherilyn is Leanne, the birthday girl. And oh yes, the dress that Sherilyn is wearing here is actually Alycia’s. My sil bought it for Alycia from Pumpkin Patch but my tomboy Alycia prefers to wear jeans *slaps forehead*. Sherilyn was grinning from ear to ear hearing that her jie jie didn’t want the dress! When it comes to girlish dress and Princess stuff, I can pass them all to Sher and she’ll receive them with her hands wide opened.
We had to leave the party early when I received a call from Barb. She was on her way back from Ipoh and she wanted to pass something to me. This pretty mum from Ipoh had baked some cookies for me. Though we had just known each other through blogging and Facebook, she had baked me this box of very scrumptious chocolate chip cookies with almond bits and cornflakes cookies.
My girls and I were so hooked on the cookies and we finished the last piece yesterday! There goes my diet again, off the track again! Thanks Agnes once again for the delicious cookies. That was so very thoughtful of you. I really think you’ll make it if you venture into a cookies-and-cakes-baking homebased business coz your cookies taste soooo good!
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Tat’s a pretty dress.
I am sure baby C enjoyed the Mc D play area a lot.
Forbidden food always taste so good. My girl likes french fries too. Who doesn’t?
At this age, let them enjoy themselves …. a few years more, they will not want to play in those public places anymore…
Wah.. this Agnes really is so nice! I tried her cookies before too, they r simply fabulous!
how come didn’t see alycia in the photos? she is too busy playing or eating??
Claire… Agnes gave some to you too? So nice of her.
2ma… Alycia is in the first pic – on the slide with Baby C.
What’s Sherilyn holding in the paper bag that is so precious ? Hey, I always love to see BB C smiling n having fun.. like all kids should. :0)
Great to have met up again. I always enjoy looking at your kids – all so cute!!!
parties on weekend r always what the kids look forward to
ooh yes, this world is really small u know…..
btw, thot just to let u know i hv a photo of yr baby & me on my blog……ok hor…hehe
i like the pumpkin patch dress and the one baby C’s wearing. so pretty. ahhh..yes….the pumpkin patch dress is kinda small for Aly. It fits Princess Sher perfectly
Your girls are so gorgeous. You have America’s Next Top Model in the making I tell ya!
I used to love McDonald’s when I was growing up, but now I wouldn’t go near it, and sometimes I’m torn between the decision of actually allowing my kids to eat McD’s in the future, but like all the mamas here say, it is their childhood and they should live through it. 
looks like fun