My visiting sil from Saipan bought Alycia a Pumpkin Patch multi-tiered skirt when she was in KL last month. Alycia did not have any matching tops to go with the skirt. So I ordered a custom-made halter neck top from this mummy who sews beautiful clothes for girls at very, very affordable prices. I took a picture of Alycia’s new skirt and e-mailed the picture to Jesshy as I wanted a pastel green halter neck top. The top only costs RM28! Cheap eh? When Alycia has outgrown this top, Sherilyn can wear it. Sherilyn has been eyeing this top. When I received this top by Pos Laju last week, that little vain pot of mine was the one who was more eager than Alycia to put it on!
Pretty or not you say? She can be a model eh?
My precious baby looks so grown up in this outfit. Before I realize it, I will be posting pix of a pre teen, then teenager in my blogs!
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Alycia look so pretty and sweet…she looks taller too! =)
she is really pretty
The matching top and skirt so nice and of course Alycia looks beautiful with this outfit!!
I also just ordered 2 dresses from Jesslyn. I have yet to receive them. I will blog about it when I receive them.
Yeah, she looks tall in this outfit.
why no show her sexy back? hehehe…
yes, alycia has always been pretty & hey….in one of the pic, she has some baby fat that’s cute, LOL !!
nice match
wah, the top fit fit nicely wor! well, yes, girls just grow up too fast dont they.
Very nice top and yes, Alycia can be a model
The skirt goes well with a plain white t-shirt too eh?
ooo so sexy!!! i like it too… get Jess to sew one for #2 too
she is pretty and sexy. She sure can be a model.
Yea, those baby stages passed by so quick. Before you know it, she is all grown up and has boyfriend.
Alycia is pretty and looks really grown up in this outfit
should have bought a matching top for Sherilyn too
i love the last pic. so sexy!!
Nice halter top and skirt! There’s something much much nicer too, that money can’t buy… her dimples!
Nice match of the top with the skirt, which fits her so well…Aly is such a pretty girl..