My hubs who is a neat freak always complains that our house is in a perpetual mess. He expects to step into a house where everything is spick-and-span and everything is placed where it should be. He seems to have an OCD with neatness and always tidies the house, keeps our things and throws my things away without first telling me …. and this always drives me nuts! Can you feel my burning anger when he always throws the things that I still need and love? Aargh…. I can almost strangle him! I always tell him that he has not just 3 kids but 3 very samseng, hyper-active and rambunctious kids, so it’s a very normal thing to have a house that’s upside down, hahahahah! Here’s a common scene in my house:Eye sore – cushions strewn everywhere, chairs turned upside down with the legs yanked off all the time, toys scattered in every nook and corner – under and above the bed and couch, under my pillow and blanket, school bags lying everywhere and food dropped everywhere on the floor. One minute you tidy up their things, the next second you turn your back on them, things will be messed up again. I guess we will have to bear with this for at least another 3-4 years.Have a great Sunday everyone!
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haahaaha..messy but clean
i still don’t know why your hubs bought so many cushions…heheeheehe
My husband is also a neat freak. He is the one that would make the bed, tucking all the sheets underneath….just like in a hotel.
Me? I’m the messy one!!!!
hahaha….. same here… sometimes i just shut my eyes and let the room turned upside down…. zzzzzz
My kids are like that too!!
with 3 hyper active kids, im sure the hse everyday mciam kena tornado wan. hehehehe…
haha..ur hub throws ur things away without telling u first?? Same here, make me so angry.
My hub also a neat freak, if he sees the above scene after he got back from a long day of work, surely will be blackened face, worst than the ‘bao kong’. Surely he would complain…”Give u a maid for what?!”
myself only 1 kid already finds it difficult to keep the place tidy. i can imagine having 3 kids
It’s so nice that ur hubs is a neat person, i wish mine was like that – sigh he leaves papers, mags, receipts and what nots on every surface in the house, i’m so angry LOL
my hubby too. he can’t stand toys everywhere.
so the solution is : the kids played in their play toys outside.
i guess for ur hubby…after a hard day’s work, he want to come back to a comfortable, home sweet home…
i think most men like this hor…
Haha… i fully understand how your hubby feels cos I am also totally obsessed with cleanliness and tidiness. Sometimes I’ll even ask my girl to clean up while she’s still halfway playing with her things! Crazy isn’t it? hehe
I can confess I can never get my house tidy and clean. it is always in a mess with only 2 girls, most of the time I just do what i can, sometimes they do help me out if they are in good moods or get scolded for being messy.
same here same here… I think it is a common scene in a house hold of 3 young children.
my man, he can avoid stepping on the toys and wont clean up. His say wo, what is the point, it will be messy again… so, I dont bother lo, as long as my boss is fine with it.
I have a neat freak hubby too who is also very very organised. I think I must drive him crazy! Hahaha.
same here ler. no maid my hse is in the worst stage of mess!
shireen shireen, i can totally understand you, but hey, you don’t seem to have much things in the house, not much clutter that’s what i mean… so it’s ok lar. i’m a neatfreak myself, and i enjoy throwing things away, my logic is that if i don’t need them in the next 1 month, or 1 yr, or whatever… then why keep them? haha, hubs on the other hand is a hogger for stuff. yucks.
It’s not a messy household, it’s a lived-in household. It’s a home, not a house. It’s a warm place of love, not a cold sterile place of neatly arranged knick-knacks. If your hubby still complains, tell him to stay home a day with the kids while u go for lunch/spa/dinner. That will shut him up…I guarantee it!
That’s my husband too but after the threw away something REALLY important to me, he’s now very, very scared about doing it again.
Hey…your place is still way neater than mine, ok, and I have only ONE kid hahaha
If your husband visited my apartment, I think his eyes will pop out and think yours is Singapore already!!!