Pretty unpleasant eating habits she has, which is pretty normal for toddlers I guess. She now spits out bland food and turns her head side ways to avoid the spoon. Still dislikes Pediasure but would drink if it is slightly diluted coz she dislikes sweet beverages (which is good). Maybe sweet and thick beverages reminds her of the antibiotics which she had taken everyday for 14 months of her life.
When it comes to Pediasure spoon-feeding time, she must be put in front of the telly or the computer – watching her 2 jie jies play educational games or read from the computer. Else, she would shriek, arch her back, push the spoonfuls of milk away (and cause messes!) climb out from her highchair, pull her hair and make me want to pull my own hair and tear out my skin!
Give her mashed up eggs, she would spit and turn her head away again. Show her a whole egg and say “see egg, big big egg” and she would reach out for the egg. So presentation does matter for her.
When we eat out, it would be really difficult to get her to eat her own food. Her eyes would be fixated on our food and she wants to “walk walk” or “see fish fish” in the aquarium. So on Sundays, I don’t cook porridge or prepare any meals for her anymore. I just heat up some soup that I’d boiled the day before (she still loves soup very much, thank God!), put it into a Thermos flask and buy her some buns. That will be her lunch while we eat in the restaurant after church. Of my 3 kids, Baby is the most difficult baby to handle.
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Her eating habit might change when she is older. My girl was the same too. Ever since she goes to school, she is more adventure with food.
shireen, shan rae is exactly the same ler!!! he only wants our food, and he wants the whole thing. the moment we break into small pieces, he will throw tantrum!!! and when we eat, either we feed him the same food, or he would want to explore around himself. so, i truly understand ur headache!!!
p/s: am trying to organize a simple christmas get-together with chin nee & some blogger frens. will keep you posted ya!
our paed also prescribed pediasure for both werney & anney after their recent gastroenteritis attack. werney said it doesn’t taste as good as her usual milk. maybe you would want to try changing baby C formula milk?
Ariel is also the same…we have problem feeding her solid… she eat a bit here n there….
Sometimes I just having headache cooking for her during weekend…
Hmmm…same here with Shayanne. I just get her buns/egg tarts/biscuits for her during lunch. So sien of telling her to eat
Pediasure is a bit sweet, I find. Why not change to other type of formula milk?
As far as I can tell baby C is eating than both my kids ever did! I remember going to a beautiful buffet and all they want is rice with soya sauce or spaghetti with tomato sauce(no meat!). I still had to pay CAD6-7 for that! Then my dtr learned to enjoy crab/lobster/shrimps…..she once stood up at the table in a viet resto. and pretty well had the whole (mild) curry crab!!
Seldom heard kids don’t like sweet food. My gal also drink Pediasure (chocolate flavour).
She is also a picky eater, so a lot of patience to feed her. But since she started school, her appetite has turn better. She gained lots kg for past months.
u really a patience mum. Keep up ur good work!
pull hair tear skin?? BINGO!! I got 2 here and I will admit myself to tanjung rambutan in no time!
How come ur maid wearing a mask?
Khong Family…. Baby is a little lactose intolerant, so Pediasure (which is non-dairy) is the best for her. Plus, it’s the milk for fussy eaters. I personally find it tasty, albeit too sweet, so I’ll just fix it a little diluted for her.
Sheila… my maid was and is having chesty cough. Even I wore the mask when I fed Baby when I had cough recently.
Same here! Must put my boy in front of the telly/computer then only can spoon feed him his milk…
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