Croissants For Dinner

Hubs went to the bakery and bought a bag full of croissants, 2 loafs of multi-grain-seed bread and a loaf of walnut wholemeal bread and some buns! He always doesn’t know how to buy things. When he buys, he buys too much, everything! So I told our maid not to cook rice and we all had bread for dinner – croissants for the girls and multi-grain-seed bread for me.

Sherilyn was grinning from ear to ear coz she doesn’t have to eat rice. Eating rice with dishes is like putting her in a torture chamber! Check out her left eye lid – it was swollen. I think some insects bit her.

I also fried some eggs and stir-fried a plate of brocolli with fresh shitake mushrooms and homemade fish paste, so that everyone gets some protein, fibre and disease-fighting nutrients from the mushrooms.

Have a great Sunday everyone?  What’s your plan today?  We’re off to church soon then off to my classmate’s friend’s daughter’s birthday party at McDonald’s. 

No. of times viewed = 352

Have Money Invest In Gold

If you have some money and are thinking of how to multiply it, gold investment might just be the answer for you. You don’t need hundreds of thousands or millions to invest in gold. Even several thousands of bucks will give you fairly good returns if you invest in gold. I know it because I have some gold jewelries which I have kept for aeons and now they are worth almost double the value of their original amount. So I ain’t going to sell my old-fashioned, thick dog chain like, ‘aunty like’ gold jewelries just yet for I am very certain the price of gold will climb up even further.

No. of times viewed = 132