Baby C has a pretty small tummy, just like Sherilyn jie jie, unlike Alycia jie jie’s tummy which can be pretty elastic, thus she has always been rather chubby. Baby has to eat many small meals a day, instead of 3 square meals. She has 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 mid-afternoon snack, 1 pre-dinner snack, 1 dinner and a supper consisting of 2 ounces of Pediasure. She takes between 5-10 ounces of Pediasure a day and about 5-6 fixes of mommy’s milkie.
This is Baby’s first breakfast at 8:30am :
4 ounces of Vanilla Pediasure (spoon-fed), biscuits and her Maltofer syrup (iron supplement to counter her low Haemoglobin after the 2 surgeries). Baby gets bored easily with her biscuits so I have a stash of like 5 types of biscuits for her, mostly baby biscuits. This packet of PepperidgeFarm cheddar cheese Goldfish biscuits belongs to her 2 jie jies but she got fed-up with her baby biscuits… so I gave her some of the Goldfish and she walloped half a bowl. The other half, mummy polished off!
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