What’s Wrong With My Baby?

Baby C’s vomiting spells have not abated. My maid and I did not get much sleep the whole of last night as we were jumping up from bed round the clock to attend to baby who kept spewing out vomit like a volcano and purging lots too.  Each time she vomitted in her sleep, we had to change all the sheets and get the cleaner to mop the floor and her cot.  Also had to wash her up at 4am when she had poop all on her body.

This morning baby went in for another x-ray. The guts pattern still look normal, albeit her guts look dilated. Her tummy is also distended as there’s lots of wind in her guts. Our doctor is still not 100% certain what exactly is wrong with Baby C and reckons she most likely has lazy guts or Ileus OR a viral infection of the guts or gastroenteritis. He is also suspecting that there is a minor kink somewhere in the guts.   If baby is still vomiting by tomorrow afternoon, he will send her to the OT to insert the IV line (dunno what that procedure is called) on her body, near the collar bone. That is to pump in nutrients like carbo, amino acids, etc. into baby’s body as her weight is dropping and she is weak from all the vomiting. Baby C has not eaten or drank milk since last Saturday. For this procedure, we have to top up another RM8k as deposit, which makes our total bill over RM35k! Can you believe the bill? I absolutely can’t believe it! Her total bill may breach RM40k when she’s discharged!  Perhaps I should pray for striking lottery next.

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Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

23 thoughts on “What’s Wrong With My Baby?”

  1. Oh gosh…..please let us know if there is anything we can do to help apart from prayers. Are you able to get a second opinion at this stage? How frustrating! As always, prayers are with baby C.

  2. OH no…that would certainly be a painful procedure otherwise they would not have to do it in OT room 🙁 But she certainly needs more nutrient by now.

    Baby C, can you hear us? So many aunties out here are praying for your recovery. Do recover quickly ok, baby? Love you!!

  3. Yes, I agree that it’s frustrating too as nothing can be done since there is no conclusion yet 🙁

    My heart goes out to baby C… I wish God will heal her quickly and make her well again!

  4. I agree with big pumpkin.. i think it’s time to get another opinions…. most other doc would prefer u to send the patient over for examintaion all over again… which means more $$$… but i am sure there are doctors out there who would really like to help.

    I personally think that the docs in Singapore are more professional.. because they are working in team.. perhaps you can find their email adress from various hospital website, and tell them the condition of baby C, and ask for help.

    You might want to mention that you have financial trouble, some hospitals do allowed installation payment.

    wish everything going back to normal for your family and baby C soon.

  5. So sorry to hear baby C is still not well. I’m mystified as well. The line going into her neck area is posibbly a “central line” which just makes for better access. Peripheral lines notoriously stop working or go interstitial. Adults who get a central line will have it done at the bedside, but babies will need to go to the OT. The doc may also consider using a PICC line which goes in the elbow area….does basically the same thing. The doc may be considering putting her on TPN(total parenteral nutrition) to feed her but bypassing the gut. I really hope things work out for all of you.
    Sickens me to see all that $$ being extracted from your family…but hey, it’s being put to good use.

  6. my goodness, such an expensive or i would say ridiculous charge? didn’t have insurance? Anyway, as long as your baby is healthy….money can be earned again right? God bless

  7. I agree with Big Pumpkin. What else we can help? I was shocked also that so many X-rays have done, the doctor is still not 100% certain of what’s wrong. I feel very sorry and sad to hear that.

  8. My heart bled and my eyes teared when I read this. I know it must be so frustrating, not knowing why this is happening. It would be quite difficult to seek a 2nd opinion as well, seeing that baby C is already admitted to this particular hospital. Let me ask around my surgeon friends on any other suggestions.

  9. I agreed with Linda. Maybe you should seek a 2nd opinion in SG instead. I know it means more money, but money we can always earn back. What is more important now is to get Baby C’s health back. I remembered both my hubby and I swipe out all our Medisave and saving when my firstborn was born prematurely. She spent 5 weeks in the hosp.
    If you need help to contact any specialist here in SG, I’m most willing to help. You can try to contact me by email.

  10. how about to get second opinion since the current doctor also not sure what’s wrong with her.

    get well soon, baby C. you’re really a tough girl..

  11. My heart is certainly pain everytime reading your updates on baby C in my Google reader. Apologise for not giving comment until this.

    I really hope with all things done by now it is not waste of any effort in helping her to recover…seeing her weak body and endure all the pain, tube, vomitting and poke, really makes me cry too.

    Will keep you and baby C in my prayer, may God almighty hand heal her and show miracle on her.

    Shireen, you take care too…

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