My #2 is indeed a menace. Everyone tells me it’s because of the middle-child syndrome but frankly, I don’t think I’m like this at all since I’m also a #2 child myself.
Less than a year ago hubby bought me a new handphone as my old one went kaput when #2 dropped it. A few days ago, this brat spilled her cup of Milo on my handphone!! Yes, this brat spills drinks every single day, without fail. I was so enraged that I gave her 2 hard spanks on her hand.
Hubby dismantled my handphone and all the parts inside were wet. There goes my handphone!
Today when I was busy bathing Baby C in the bathroom, I heard the door of my bedroom being shut. I didn’t suspect anything but when I was done bathing Baby C and saw patches of cream on my floor mat outside my bedroom, I suspected that #2 the menace was surely up to mischief. When I put Baby C down onto the bed, I could feel steam spewing out from my head when I saw the foot of my bed covered with hand cream! Sherilyn the menace had played with my jar of Rosken cream (and this is not the first time this sort of accident had happened. She loves squeezing the tube of Drapolene too, aargh!) and 1/4 jar of the cream had spilled out… on the bed, on baby’s clothes, on the floor and on the floor mat. Gosh I tell you, I was fuming mad and gave her 2 hard spanks on her hands. This brat had earlier shut my bedroom door in the hope of covering up her act! When I yelled out to her, she even pretended not to have heard me and didn’t even answer me! When I yelled her name on top of my voice several times again, this fler cooly answered me “whaaaaat??”….. as if nothing had happened! Can you beat it and she’s only 4! She never seems to listen to me and is never afraid of being reprimanded or spanked. Gawd, tell me, how do I deal with this kid, haih….
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ha! another post about sherilyn’s misbehaviour! well, what u can do is……….STAY COOL lor! 🙂
Maybe she is doing all these things to get your attention, middle child syndrome. Spend some quality time with her alone.
wah..seems like she’s challenging u alot at home. probably a phase for their age, faythe too nowadays can be quite challenging
an excuse to buy a new one!
Sherilyn really quite champion eh? Think she is just curious and cheeky by nature.
Maybe get her to be more responsible by making her clean up whatever messes she makes. Might help if u take away a privilege, like watching TV or going out to the mall, or depriving her of a candy treat. Time out for several minutes by asking her to sit in a corner facing the wall might be a deterrent. I suppose she may want attention but needs to be shown how to seek positive and not negative attention. Hopefully, she will learn in time.
perhaps she just want mommy’s attention lor..since mommy is always giving attention to BABY C.
Number 1, Sherilyn is very clearly lack of attention. There are just too many kids at home fighting for your attention and she feels that she is not getting her share. Each child needs your undivided attention. Yes, yes, yes, you might say that you do pay attention to her and all.. but the fact remains, is HOW SHERILYN feels.. not how you feel.
Number 2, Because she lack the attention, she either make do as in go amuse herself any way she sees fit disregarding what you have to say (this is what I think she is doing now) OR, she tries her level best to attract your attention. To a child, attention is attention and there is no good or bad attention.
Number 3, I can see your children lack discipline and this is something you will have think about it. You cannot be firm and stern with them if you dont earn their respect. How do you earn their respect? You need to spend a lot of time with each of them individually. It is not about the toys you buy or the snack you give them that they love or the holidays they get to go.. it is about doing things together.. just you and each child individually.. fun things.. it can simply be just rolling on the bed and talking like friends and laughing. If you can establish this chummy mummy relationship, disciplining them will be very easy.
As for spanking, well, I am a firm believer of spare the rod and you will spoil the child. If you need to spank, make sure they child learns from it. (from all your posting, it is very clear your children doesnt learn from the previous spanking) Make sure the spanking is thorough where it leaves a very strong impression that it will spring into their little minds when they feel like getting into mischief. It is heart breaking nevertheless but it is better than 2 slaps everytime she does something moronic or dangerous and before you know it, they forget and start all over again. Such light spanking will eventually make your children immune and turn stubborn and later years, rebellious.
The rule is, as parents, we must strive to impress upon our children or give them lasting memories of having more fun with us than bad times. And even in those bad times memory, our children must be able to understand that all the spanking and whacking was to improve them so that they can become a better person and not because we as parent love to induce torture or see them in pain.
Think about it.. all these shouting, 2 spanking on the hand, screaming and getting mad is not going to get anywhere or improve things for you or your child.