Terrified Of Her Green Bowl With Eyes

Baby C is terrifed of this bowl :

Look at the stone look on her face!

We bought this bowl for Alycia from Ikea a few years back and it’s supposedly a frog in the shape of a bowl. It comes with a matching plastic crumb-catcher bib and a froggie cup.

When I used the bowl the other day, my sweetiepie cringed and cried whenever she saw the 2 eyes on the bowl!

I had to turn the bowl to the side without the eyes so that she would stop crying…. but it was funny and hilarious seeing her cry each time she saw the eyes on the bowl, hehehe *evil mommy*

Does this bowl look that terrifying huh?  My sweetiepie seems to be afraid of any toy that has huge bulging eyes. A few months back, daddy bought a huge battery-operated and remote control-operated green ant that can emit sounds for Baby C. The toy ant can move like a robot and my sweetiepie was absolutely terrified of the toy. Even at the mention of ‘green ant’ would make her cry. We have since kept the green ant coz Sherilyn the menace kept scaring her baby sister with the toy.

No. of times viewed = 203

High Metabolic Rate

I wish I could just eat and eat to my heart’s content and not gain a pound or an inch on my waist. Some people are blessed with high metabolic rate and no matter how much they eat, when they eat and what they eat, they just won’t gain weight, just like my mum. She is a rice and carbo lover but yet, no matter how much she eats them, she just won’t gain weight. My mum even has to drink ensure at least twice a day to help her gain weight. I always tell my mum how envious I am of her slender body and being blessed with the gift to just eat and eat and not gain a pound all her life.

No. of times viewed = 176