The Chinese old wives believe that when your baby begins to suck his/her toe, the mummy will soon have a sibling for the baby. I didn’t believe this crap when my mum told me this but now I am beginning to believe this myth. Alycia began sucking her toes when she was 5 months old and a month later I got pregnant with Sherilyn…. coincidentally. Now that Baby C is beginning to love feasting on her toes, I better be careful as I don’t, absolutely don’t want to end up with #4!
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Yeah, I heard about that too. Proved it wrong when Mei Mei start sucking her toes. Else, I would have sued my gynae. LOL.
better be extra extra careful
seeing Baby C sucking her toes reminds me of Ashley at that stage. Their actions are so adorable!!!
Ahem ahem….Hahaha! The more the merrier! That’s a cute looking diaper on Baby C!
You are doing a great job with the kids! You are a great mama! No. 4 would be so honoured to have you as his/her mama.
Haha I heard that b4, but myth cannot be trusted.
i dont believe it, i think my gal was sucking her toes and i never got pregnant with 3rd one! hehe
but, since u have lovely kids, why not a 4th one?
hahah i heard of tis oso but of coz i dun believe it hahaha
I didn’t believe either cos all babies suck toes.
hehe… u guys better be careful oh
oh I didn’t know about that! but I think most babies do suck their toes
geeeeee…my twins suck their toes very frequently too!!!!! I am so worried death with the old belief.
Hehehe if you get #4, I really salute you!
oh…my dotter also suck like this and she love it. but luckily not pop out No.3 for me…LOL
They are so cute when sucking toes…well, not heard of those myth before…
I never thgt i wud have no #4 especially after a traumatic normal delivery of my 3rd one during my 2nd pregnancy. Yet God wants her to have another companion since the twins’ age gap will make her feel left out. What will b will b.. if it’s meant to be!
do u plan to have another one???
Don’t think this tale is true lah….