Baby C Loves Purple Sweet Potato Bread

The other day, hubby bought a loaf of purple sweet potato bread from RT Pastry House, our favorite bakery. This bread tasted so good and all the kids, including Baby C loved it. I loved it too and kept nibbling on it… fei sei ngor lor!! The bread was sweet, soft, fluffy and… fattening! But who cares, eat first and exercise later lar. What’s life if I can’t even indulge in food that I like right?

Baby C’s bowl of purple sweet potato bread.

Baby C seated on kakak’s lap as she fed her breakfast… and she kept pointing to the bread and wanted to grab the bread. That’s how yummy the bread was.

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Why I Must Exercise Every Morning

My hubby, he has a habit of buying cakes, doughnuts, buns and tit bits but not eating them. Being in the food industry, he just loves food and loves buying them. Whenever he passes by our favorite bakery, he will surely step inside and grab some cakes and buns. Each time he picks Alycia and Sherilyn up from the dance center after their ballet class, he will bring them to the bakery opposite the dance center and then go on a shopping spree, buying cakes, tarts, buns and whatnots. I have to keep reminding him not to buy anymore cakes and bread as our freezer is always packed with frozen bread that he kept buying.

The weird thing with my hubby is that he rarely eats what he has bought and I always end up gobbling down all those sinful sweet treats that he has bought. My maid is also another lucky beneficiary of those sweet treats. That’s one of the reasons why I have to force myself up early every morning to work out. I need to burn off those extra calories and to prevent myself from getting diabetes. Diabetes runs in my family so I better be watchful of my diet and have to exercise to prevent getting diabetes. I should even get myself a Diabetic Life Insurance, just in case I’m stricken with this debilitating disease *knock on wood!*

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