On the morning of the first day of this year, I had a rude surprise when my maid told me that ‘sabun keluar dari lubang’ (suds appearing from the hole). I ran to the kitchen and saw the floor of the kitchen where our washing machine is placed covered by suds. The suds had made its way into our home from the hole of the drain cover. Someone from the upper unit of our condo must have been washing laundry in their washing machine and had used too much detergent, so much that the suds could not flow down the concealed piped drain and have seeped into our home. We had to used several thick towels to cover the hole and my maid had a hard time cleaning up the washing machine and floor afterward. In fact, that wasn’t the first time but the previous time, it wasn’t that serious. The next time this happens, maybe I should use play dough to seal up the hole. When we stayed at a flood prone area several years ago, we used to stick play dough on door holes, bathroom drain covers and on every part of the house where there are holes for water to seep in.
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alamak….luckily din go into your living hall and the furnitures!!
Wah, so terrible, can ask the management ppl check for the problem..
hey, this happened to me many times when i was staying in my apartment. luckily the washing machine was in the wet area so i could just wash it off from the floor. very messy 🙁
Playdough…hmm…good idea. But the drainage quite poor yah.
Wow, first time i heard of this. Or maybe piping problem.
Let me know what happen if you put playdough there. I am very curious.
hmmm… ask ur neighbour, hey, apa buat 🙂