My battle with Baby C each time I change her diaper started 2 weeks ago. I had this battle with Alycia and Sher too when they were Baby C’s age. Changing their diaper was such a great challenge that I needed my maids’ help whenever I needed to change their diapers.
Now, I need at least 1 minute to fasten Baby C’s diaper…. loosely first, so that she would not pee and wet the bed and herself…. then unfasten the tapes again to readjust them properly much later. Each time I need to change her diaper, this hyper Energizer bunny would flip over, arch her back, scream and crawl to her favorite item – the tissue box, grab the tissue box, pull out a tissue and stuff it into her mouth or she would grab other items from my bed.
Yesterday, it was the first time I raised my voice at her coz I was struggling to put the diaper on her and she was like a little baby monkey, full of energy and refused to lie still on her back. Today I hit her bum gently with my hands when she kept arching her back and flipping over. My back would hurt like hell as I bend over to put the diaper on her…. and I need to move my hands at lightning speed to fasten the tapes on her diaper. Most times, she would flip over in a split second and crawl everywhere, with me pulling her legs to position her body back on the changing mat. Sometimes I would distract her by giving her a fresh diaper to chew on for a few seconds (I know it’s disgusting but that’s the only way to keep her still), or the box of tissue for her to lick (I know, it’s disgusting too). When she’s engrossed playing with these forbidden items, I will then quickly position the diaper beneath her bum and fasten the tapes before she flips over again. It’s really a battle and involves lots of power struggle just to put on a diaper and I have to go through this motion like 10 times a day! She even arches her back and whines softly when I change her diaper in the wee hours of the morning. Not only is this task back-breaking, it makes me sweat as though I’ve just toiled under the sun in some laborious chores. These days, I sweat so much handling Baby C that I have to shower at least 3 times a day, sometimes 4 times a day. I kid you not, can you beat that?
Is your baby like that too?
My little uncontrollable energizer bunny crawling to grab my camera pouch when I changed her diaper last night. I took the opportunity to snap a pic of her in action.
Flipping over to grab other things on my bed before I can even put on her jammies.
Check out my daily schedule with Baby C here.
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for changing diapers, i give Philip my handphone. problem solved till today… *phew*
yayaya, i hv the same problem too when jeremy was abt that age. Even now Jeremy still like that, i need to ask daddy to help , sometime i was mad until i “smack” his lil bum bum …. i wander why he cant lets us put on the diapers 1st .. then he can go !!! ????
Yes gone thru when Chloe around that age. I would spank her butt and start get her a warn. Well I guess you need to invest on pull up pants haha
ooh .. michelin baby wor …
hahahahaa…at this stage it’s always like that eh?
my lil missy is giving us hard times wen we changing her for the nite lately. damn pekchek man. to get her to lay still to wear diaper is like… omg. my handphone is the saver lah, but sometimes donwan. esssssh!
My son also love battling while I’m wearing diaper for him.. haha!
Lucky my twins just need to play with their MAMYPOKO diaper each time I change them n at times i gotta make monkey faces to attract their attention to look at me instead of tossing around. Wow i like the 2nd pic…can send to MICHELIN for advertising lor n see hw much the pic worth . LOL!
Wah…Baby C is super cute…got the ‘lipat lipat’ baby fat…hahaha…adoi!
Yeah… my Elyssa is the same as well. She keeps wanting to flip when I change her diaper.
To keep her still for that 2 minutes, I normally let her play with a fresh diaper while I sing loudly and make funny faces like a silly person!
We all “go through” the same stage.
I remember the time, everytime when I change my boys diapers is also like having a “BIG WAR”.
yup…gone thru this stage with all three…very very challenging and testing my patience!
Give her things to distract her attention during changing time would be work most of the time…else like u did sprank lor….
well, thats the same for all baby at this age..when they know how to flip over..we all go through that..
I remember those times too and sweat just thinking about it!
I think most of us gone through the same thing
I will just grab whatever is near to let baby play with it.
I think we all go thru this phase at 1 time or another. We’re being trained to do things at lightning speed! LOL
Baby C likes the teething ring right? Why don’t you give that to her to keep her occupied while you change the diaper? Brandon is a screamer but now still too young to move haha