After having the Google Adsense ads on my Blogspot blog for 16 long months, I finally got my loooooooong awaited first cheque from Google, amounting to USD122.13! Earnings are moving at snail’s pace but at least I don’t have to do anything, yet get paid, in USD that is. This cheque motivates me to create a few more niche blogs to monetize my blogs from Adsense! No wonder some people can have hundred over blogs and earn a 5-figure income every month. Samm, I must learn from you!
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Haha. I just started mine barely 2 months ago and made a miserably USD3! Emmm….And they said you can earn millions from blogging. I wonder…
oh u ask for cheque ar…can ask for Western Union Quick Cash, just print online and claim at CIMB. Fast & easy!
You might wanna choose getting paid by Western Union instead of cheques. Very fast and convenient compared to international cheques. We’re lucky Malaysians get to choose Western Union when getting paid by Google Adsense.
Jesslyn and MommaDiary… thanks for the info. I am going to edit my payment method now!
Told Sam your Happy news. She advised to set it to payment by WESTERN UNION..faster to get the money & less charges.
Congrats on your first cheque. But hey, i remember telling you to go change it to WU, lol. Now you gotta wait more than a month to smell your $$$$$. But nevermind lah. Getting the first payment is the best of all. Yup, you go do more niches and earn more, ya.
congrats to you
errr…you believe there are people out there who earn 5-figure income on their blogs?
Wow, that’s a lot already
My google adsense still stop at below 5 dollar after one year of blogging
So ‘paiseh’!
Wow..!! how many blogs must one have to make 5 figure income..??? 16 months.. for $122 USD.. which is.. 300 ringgit..?? wow..!! that’s a lot of time.. and a lot of blogs you must have .. Shireen..?? no..??
And congrats..!
100s of blogs..?? how to maintain..?? doubt i can do that.. it would absolutely take the pleasure outta blogging for me. But i guess splogging the blogosphere is the way to go from now on eh..?? to make that 5 figure income. Ahhh..$$$$ the root of all evil… muahahahaha!!!
Love the money .. but can’t bring myself to not spend quality time with the brat.. and like my grandmother used to say.. “can’t bring it with you .. in the coffin, treasure what you have now and not regret it and wished for time to turn back” wise old woman she was. But that’s my 2 cents worth .. so ignore me..
533 blogs you must have .. to make 5 figure amount per month .. at the rate you are earning.. that was what i was told. *peng shan*
Congrats on your hard work
so good lar, me still waiting. move like a snail, really. btw, a reward for u at
my adsense, haha… damn funny story, spare u the details lah. i feel stopid writing here. haha!
congrats btw
Wow!~ this is so cool~~~~~
be thankful…
hor gou mou
You are doing good with Adsense already..mine put up there longer than you and just ask for verified account not long ago..yeah…just slightly above US$10
Congratulations!!!!! I am still waiting for my first payment :-PPPPP