…. when I saw red lines that looked like bloody scratch lines all over her eyebrows and forehead 2 days ago. This happened barely a week after Sher drew her mouth with a black color pencil.
I was bending down to wipe her mouth and forehead in the kitchen. When I swept her fringe away from her forehead, I was shell-shocked to see those ‘bloody lines’ all over her eyebrows and forehead. I thought she had cut herself with a penknife or some sharp pencils but on taking a closer inspection, I realized that there were the ink from a red magic color. Phew…. this brat had used a red magic color pencil to draw her eyebrows, as if it were an eyeliner! She had seen me draw my eyebrows with an eyeliner many times and she thought that she could do the same to her eyebrows with magic color pencils!
When I asked her what happened, Sher replied “I don’t know!” confidently and shrugged her shoulders *kaik sei ngor* … can really drive me to early grave lol!
Don’t you think that these red lines looked like bloody scratch / cut marks?
The brat with the cheeky, mischievous look. That’s how she holds her cup to drink water….. she even has her own ridiculous way of holding a cup…. and she spills water 9 out of 10 times when she drinks water… and these water-spill incidences can really drive me to a madhouse coz it happens everyday without fail!
“No, I am not naughty…” and that’s Sher’s favorite line whenever she causes a big boo boo!
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aiyoh..hehe..perhaps u need another maid, an extra watchful eyes on ur girls..
my kid draws on the floor, table, mattress. i wonder when he draws on his face like sherilyn…really pening kepala…
Looks like she likes to draw on herself.
yeah .. that’s scary! it looks very much like a cut!!
hahaha….ashley also sometimes hold the cup like that. very cheeky!
hmmm… somehow I have a feeling she will grow up to be very creative.. let me know in say 20 years time ya 🙂
haha wanna make up like mommy la..
ya, it really looks like cut marks on her forehead…no wonder you had a shock.
shireen you have a celebrity make-up artist in the making!!!
It does look like cut marks.
She is a vain girl, first lipstick then eyeliners. 😉
aiya…my no.2 is also driving me up the wall!!!!!!!!! already preparing funeral service here for myself…n tix 4 him to fly back to kl so that his granma will take care of him!!!!!!! is it an age thing?????!!!
*pulls lotsa hair*
look liek she is trying to copy what mommy’s doing..putting on make up ;P
very cheecky yah!
sher is really a challenge heh…nicole is no better…she threatened me with “death”…OMG…see my latest post….faint!
OMG.. she is really adventurous.. hehehe
Ahahahaha….!!! She knows how to draw on her eyebrows some more! I tell you, I’m loving this girl!!!