I better put this on record before I forget. Since yesterday, Baby C can flip over like a pro within seconds whenever she’s placed on her back. She now doesn’t like to be placed on her back anymore. Today, Baby C is 4 days shy of turning 4 months old.
Baby C also gets distracted very easily. When she’s drinking my milkie and her 2 older sisters are watching TV, she will stop sucking and turn her head towards the TV and then refuse to suckle. Once, I turned her head back towards my boops and put my teat back into her mouth but she turned her head towards the TV with full force and let out a shriek, as if telling me not to bother her! She also doesn’t like it that I talk to her 2 older sisters when when I’m nursing her. She would get ‘angry’ and kick up a fuss when I talk to her sisters when nursing her. She’s getting more and more cheeky by the days. Apart from a kidney reflux, Baby C is otherwise a healthy and happy baby.
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