The hospital called this afternoon. The nurse conveyed to me the report, which states that Baby C has kidney reflux or VUR grade 3. I had expected it to be grade 3, and thankfully it is not grade 4 or 5. The hospital has also given us a nearer appointment date, which is in 2 weeks’ time.
Now, I can only pray that Baby C’s kidney reflux will resolve by itself and that she does not require surgery. I read that 50% – 85% of cases with grade 3 VUR will experience spontaneous resolution of VUR, meaning that the problem will resolve by itself over time.
Here’s an excerpt on the treatment and prognosis of Kidney Reflux, from :
Treatment depends on the grade that is diagnosed. In grades I and II, the usual treatment involves long-term use of a small daily dose of antibiotics to prevent the development of infections. The urine is tested regularly to make sure that no infection occurs. The kidneys are evaluated regularly via ultrasound and VCUG (every 12 to 18 months) to make sure that they are growing normally and that no new scarring has occurred. Grades III, IV, and V VUR can be treated with antibiotics and careful monitoring. New infections, scarring, or stunting of kidney growth may result in the need for surgery. Grades IV and V are extremely likely to require surgery.
Surgery for VUR consists of reimplanting the ureters into the bladder at a more normal angle. This adjustment usually improves the functioning of the valve leading into the bladder. When structural defects of the urinary system are present, surgery will almost always be required to repair these defects.
Prognosis is dependent on the grade of VUR. About 80 percent of children with grades I and II VUR simply grow out of the problem. As they grow, the ureter lengthens, changing its angle of entry into the bladder and resolving the reflux. The average age of VUR resolution is about six to seven years. About 50 percent of children with grade III VUR require surgery. Nearly all children with grades IV and V VUR require surgery. In these cases, it is usually best to perform surgery when the patient is relatively young, in order to avoid damage and scarring to the kidneys.
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God bless!
good to hear that it is not as bad as it cld be! ya, understand what u feel when u see those kids and parents. we are thankful arent we?
happy to hear that, shireen 🙂 will continue to pray for the little one 🙂
Let’s pray for it to go away when she gets older.
Nice to know that everything’s going smooth. No worries shireen.
Lovely photos of Baby C and sisters
Take care Baby C
God bless
Bhuddists belief is to for your family’s good health and safety (pin-an) mother must do charity works. Can try this though you are not Bhuddist. Christians also belief in doing charity, right? Even if you not rich, being kind, patient and understanding to people less fortunate than us (eg maid) is also charity.
Pls do try for Baby C’s sake! So pity the poor baby has to go hospital, poke here and there so often.
From the research it show high chance to resolve. Pray hard for her.
That’s good news. I’ll be praying for Baby C. Trust in God and He shall deliver.
pray for the best, take care
yes, PTL…..little bb C will just be fine….
and yes. will continue to pray for BB C.
Baby C will surely be fine having a supermom who has all the knowledge she needs in childcare and medical info thro net and will do her best for all her princessess. take care.
Shireen, good that you are thinking positively!
OK, so now it means grade 3 will be 50-50 needing a surgery… praying for you that she will not need it! Stay positive…
Oh that’s a relief! M sure she’s outgrow the prob.
take care and hope she falls into the 80% of kids that will grow out of it.
I am sorry to hear the Baby C has kidney reflux. Just pray that she will outgrow it soon.
So sorry to hear that. Hope that she will grow out of it. *hug*
Hopefully Baby C will outgrow of it and don’t worry she will be save in God’s hand.