I did not really believe that exclusively breastfed babies will be chubby until I saw Elaine’s baby JL. Now that I am exclusively breastfeeding Baby C, I can see her grow chubbier by the days. I did not realize that she already has ‘lotus roots’ hands (which make me want to squeeze and bite them!) until I saw this pic which I snapped this morning. From chicken feet like legs and dolls like arms, Baby C now has lotus roots like hands and legs!
Read more about her long ‘manicured’ finger nails here.
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wow…seeing that would surely encourage you to continue bf and do your best as long as possible…keep it up, Shireen :p
Her nails are really long leh…hasn’t she accidently scratch herself yet?
my twins sped up in growth bwteen 1 months to 9 months. becoming more and more fei chai as i breast fed in rugby or american football position each time at first. Then as they grow bigger, my hands also got more fatique and i had to adjust and breastfed individually. Sometimes I even forgot which one I fed oredi. i had to tie a red string on one of the twins’ wrist to differentiate them. Baby C will certainly continue to grow heavier. make sure u strestch ur wrists and elbows before expressing milk or carrying her or else u’ll end up like some of my patients who develop Carpal tunnel syndrome (numbness over the wrist joint) or tennis elbow. Take care