Woohoo…. I am so happy that my post was selected by Cremaid again. Thanks Miche for informing me about this opp and congrats on getting the referral fee again. You scratch my back, I scratch your back, feels so good eh?
This is the email from Cremaid which I received this morning :
Dear shireenyongCongratulations!
Your post “Are You Hunting For A Good Hunting Knife?”
has been invited to appear on the Conversation:
“Some great hunting experiences “
Your post will be syndicated to the widgets included
inside each of the participating posts.
Also, you will receive $5 as royalty payment via PayPal.
So folks, if you want to participate in the conversation / opp too, please click on the widget below my post, pretty please ok? By clicking on the widget and participating, I will get a referral fee. Quick hurry to participate now as the opportunity was just released a couple of days ago, so chances of your post being selected is high.
No. of times viewed = 204
thanks for the scratch…my back also very itchy! 😆