Did She Mean To Steal?

When I went into the laundry room to look for my clothes today, I found a lot of rubbish that my maid has collected from our dustbins – things that we have thrown.  I found some wrapping papers (from Sherilyn’s birthday pressies), a new sharpener (Sher’s birthday pressie), some crayons and coloring books that I had thrown away.  I also found my bathroom slippers hidden under the old sewing machine.  As usual, I was fuming mad with the discovery.  First, she is putting these filthy rubbish in the laundry room and our clothes are all near the rubbish.  Secondly, why was the new sharpener and my bathroom slippers hidden there?  When I questioned my maid, she told me that Sir (my hubs) threw the sharpener away.  She just gave me her usual silly smile when I asked her why my bathroom slippers were hidden under the sewing machine.  The fact that I saw her happily wearing them for the past 2 mornings showed that she likes the slippers.   I gave her a piece of my mind and told her that in future, anything that she wants to keep, she has to get permission from me first. Wouldn’t you be mad too if you were me?

No. of times viewed = 270

Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

8 thoughts on “Did She Mean To Steal?”

  1. My previous maid kept things that I threw away too and when I found out one day, she said that I didn’t want those things and that’s why she kept it as she thought those things were still good.

    I was mad too at that time and told her exactly what you told your maid.

  2. SAME AS MY MAID!! Remember i wrote this before too? *sigh* I think maid from Cambodia are having the same attitude? Because they are from the poor country and never see all this things before? Hmmmm..i had told my maid off, i throw things into the dusbin means i throw it u can’t have it! If u want u have to ask my permission!

  3. Sometimes they don’t mean to steal. She probably thot that since u threw it away, u won’t mind her keeping it. I usually ask my maid to throw the things (like handbag/shoes/cosmetics, etc) away. I don’t throw into the dustbin straight, so she can keep watever she wants to bring home later.

  4. i think all maids r the same….i just caught my maid with my old lip gloss…and even things that doesn’t belongs to her….we should always spot check them ….to prevent this problem…..

  5. My previous maid also same. Always search the rubbish bin and keep those things I throw. I scold her but still the same, so I need to spot check her room make sure she not keep all ‘rubbish’ inside.

  6. i m going to call u one of these days. am going to get a maid from the agency since my SIL can’t come. think u would be the best person to give me advice after all the experience ….

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