That’s how excited and happy Alycia and Sherilyn can get when they watch TV. They were watching Bee The Movie here.
I prefer to use the tellie to babysit them when I need to take my shower as that’s the only time they will sit still and not get up to mischief. I used to ask my former maid to watch over them when I take my shower but that didn’t work. Once, Alycia bullied the maid (she likes to bully our former maid) and when the maid tried to defend herself, accidentally scratched Alycia on her finger which caused it to bleed. This is what she told me and I had not seen with my eyes what actually transpired. Another time, when I asked my maid to watch over the gals while I took my shower, Sherilyn fell off a toy tricycle and had a big bump on her head. These were just 2 incidents and there were more. With the tellie as the sitter, I can get some peace of mind when I shower. I leave my bathroom door ajar and peep into the room every few minutes.
Who watches your kids when you take your shower?
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