These days confinement ladies (CL) are charging exorbitantly. I called up a few CLs today and most of them are quite demanding, monetarily and in other areas. Most of them would only want to accept the job if :
1) You don’t stay in a double-storey house (coz most of them have problems climbing up the stairs due to pain in their legs)
2) You have a maid at home, so they don’t have to do so much washing.
3) Your mother or MIL are not staying with you so that they have more freedom and can rule the roost! Who likes having another old lady breathing down their neck when they work, right?
4) You pay them more than RM2700 for only 28 days plus an ang pow of course.
5) They have their own room to sleep and don’t have to sleep with anyone else except the baby.
I called up Pei Ling Confinement House and they are charging RM2880 for their CLs.
Hearing these, I am really considering if it’s really necessary to have a CL. I just need someone to cook for me, bathe my 2 kids plus the baby and to change the baby’s diapers at night and clean up the baby after she has poo pooed in the middle of the night. I can consider getting catered confinement food but what about my 3 kids? Who is going to bathe them and this time, I will not wet my hands anymore during my confinement period.
When I was in confinement after delivering Alycia, I was so eager and excited to be a first time mum that I did many things myself though I had a CL. I wet my hands with cold tap water even in the middle of the night. In the 2nd month, I had very bad Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on both my arms till I could not even hold a baby bottle or open the door. I also had bad bronchitis which lasted 2-3 months until I saw a heart surgeon. The Chinese would say that I had ‘yup foong’ or ‘wind has entered my body’ during my confinement. I never believed these old wives’ tales until I suffered myself.
Part of me still wants a CL lady very much but I just can’t stand their list of demands. I don’t meet most of their demands except that I have a maid and I don’t really mind paying RM2700.
For those of you who did not have a CL and have more than 1 child at the time you delivered your baby, do you mind sharing with me how you coped? Was it stressful? If you have to go through it again, would you have hired a CL this time despite the price of getting one?
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