Whenever there are birthday parties or children’s day party in Alycia’s pre-school, I would be worried about what junk food she would be bringing home coz it would be almost impossible to stop her from eating them. All hell would break loose if I ever try to stop Alycia from eating them. Last Friday, Alycia brought home a bag full of MSG, sugar and color laden junk food – sweet colorful jellies, sweets, chocolates, Mamee, Cheezels, etc. Sometimes I just don’t understand how the teachers and parents think to be buying and giving away these unhealthy food to toddlers.
I was trying to find a way to trade these junk food with her and finally, I thought of a way; and it was oh so easy. With that item that I had bought, she volunteered to give away all these junkies to me with no threats or bribes.
to be continued………
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