I was rushing away to meet my deadlines this morning till I had forgotten to put Alycia’s lunch box into her school bag. I had prepared peanut butter-strawberry jam-butter and cheese toast for her and had cut it nicely into triangular wedges and placed them into her lunch box. I then left the lunchbox on the table and went upstairs to wake the gals up. When I came down, I was busy preparing Aly – brushing her teeth, putting on her clothes and putting on a bandaid on her toe that’s hurt and had totally forgetten to put the lunchbox into her bag. Guess who reminded me? It was when daddy had brought Alycia to school and Sher saw the lunchbox on the table and said “mummy, cheh cheh forgot to bring this”. Quickly called daddy to bring the lunchbox to Alycia. Sherilyn is so alert and observant!
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my daughter also same. she always remind me this and that, normally she will help brother to take school bag and one day she realize I did not put his water tumbler, she remind me about that. I am also a forgetful mummy.