After reading BabyShern’s post on Christmas tree, I reminded hubby to fish out the packed Christmas tree from our storeroom. I can’t believe a year has passed us by so quickly. It was partly because of this Christmas tree that hubby’s new MPV got stolen. I was still in Ipoh with the gals when he called me to inform that his car was stolen, right in front of our house in broad daylight. Hubby had bought this Christmas tree the day before he was to go to Ipoh and fetch us back to KL so that he can give the gals a surprise. After getting the Christmas tree out from his car, he quickly decorated the tree. He didn’t even realized that some professional car thieves had stolen his car, just in a flash.
Back to the Christmas tree, Alycia and Sherilyn were so excited when daddy brought out the Christmas tree. They helped to decorate the tree with the ornaments but Sherilyn, the one with the itchy fingers chipped part of the Christmas star.
After the tree was fully decorated, the gals kept singing “the Christmas tree is AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME…..”
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Wow.. nice tree 😀
wah very nice kekeke
looking at the two sisters is enough to bring contentment and happiness to you…isnt it? How nice they have each other :p
Both of them are so cute and best of sisters. It will definitely lighten everyone beside the Christmas tree.
you remind me to take out the christmas tree n other accessories from my store room n set it up… 🙂
Wuah. Thats nice. I’ve been trying to pester hubby to get us a Christmas tree too for the kids to decorate. Then I’d like to add an ornament a year for every year that they are older. *Dreaming*
u remind me, it’s time for me to “dig out” the x’mas tree for deco lo. hahaha
christmas present for u………
Ha! 😀
wow… your christmas tree is so nice, well done to the girls for helping daddy to decorate the tree. Mine is so sparsely decorated.
both girls looks so happy posing by the tree. good job decoratin it girls. shern can only ‘pluck’ those ornaments and throw it away like a ball. pheew..
your christmas tree is very nice too.
The two girls look happy. It seems everyone is in a christmas mood. HOHOHO.
Oh.. I need to take out my Christmas Tree soon.. hehe 😛