Yellow Ginger Chicken

This is my all-time favorite dish – ‘wong keong kai’ or yellow ginger (kunyit) chicken. It’s wholesome and delicious. I can’t wait for my confinement days to arrive (though I hate the ‘pantang’ part) so that I can ask my confinement lady to cook this dish for me everyday. Yes, when I love a dish, I don’t mind eating it everyday. I never got tired of my confinement dishes during my confinement. Now, I’m just so looking forward to eat those dishes again.

It’s quite easy to cook this dish. Just coarsely blend some yellow ginger (make sure you use enough, else the chicken will be quite tasteless) and shallots and pan-fry them till fragrant and brown. Add chicken, some salt and some water and voila… you have a fragrant, mouth-watering dish on your table.

Even Alycia loves this dish. She ate so much till her mouth and face were stained yellow!

No. of times viewed = 602

Author: Shireen

I am a WFHM of 3 lovely girls - Alycia, Sherilyn and Cassandra. I am a health, fitness and clean freak. I am a freelance content writer and occasionally help out my other half in his food catering business. I also do product reviews and accept sponsored posts on my blogs. I hope you'll enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy sharing my day-to-day adventures and mostly boring ranting :P Welcome to my blog! :)

16 thoughts on “Yellow Ginger Chicken”

  1. Chin Nee… after frying the kunyit and shallots, add in the chicken and fry the chicken until they turn brown. That takes around 20 mins.I left that out in my post!

  2. How did you import all the posts to here? I wanted to change too but I am afraid I will lose all my incoming links, search engine ranking and more stuffs.

    This is a nice template but the header looks a bit blurry and unfocused here. Perhaps you can use a higher resolution version? The recent reader widget and Thanks for visiting text overlap each other too.

    You may wan to modify the MyBlogLog Recent Reader code header from Recent+Readers to Thank+You+for+visiting
    Just my input :), overall this looks nice and far more classy.

  3. Phaik Ling… thanks for linking me up 🙂

    Shern’s Mom… no haf? Huh? I saw your comments in all my posts. You can’t see your comments coz all comments need to be moderated and approved by me first 🙂

  4. Pingback: Turmeric chicken
  5. Shireen, i din manage to blend them fine. Will do lar….however not sure if i fried it long enuf as some of it oredi hangus liao. Suppose that shud be ok. But prob i put too much water. It taste still good, but too much work to do. How to get rid of the stains ar??

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