This is the picture of my backyard. Something must be really attractive with this wall coz the stray cats keep coming to our backyard to pee and poo and they stink like hell! We’ve tried spraying the area with aerosol and my mil even suggested putting mineral water bottles filled with water on top of the water but that did not prevent the cats from coming back. Why mineral water bottles? She was told that when the cats see their own reflection on the mineral water bottle, they will get a scare but I don’t think this trick worked on those tough stray cats.
Does anyone have a better idea of keeping those stray cats at bay?
No. of times viewed = 272
ur backyard look so nice. Sorry can’t give u any good idea of keeping stray cats at bay.
Can’t help you one this as we have a cat that comes and spend the night in the garden too. Now, she has 3 kittens with her!!!
Fence it? Or just keep a cat on your backyard. I have few cats on the backyard and they always prevent other cats from entering my yard.
That is a nice backyard wall! Try splashing some vinegar?
or…..have a dog ;D