That’s the picture of my workplace. I took a snapshot of it on Saturday after the computer guy took my CPU away to have it fixed. With the archaic tower CPU, my desk is even more squeezy. That is why I can never eat and work at the same time coz there is just no place for me to put a bowl or a mug.
Maybe it’s time for me to get a larger computer desk. I’ve blogged about it in a number of paid posts on wanting to get a larger home office and hey you know, I’m not really bull-shiting in my posts, I truly want to get a larger computer desk for my home office!
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Yes, I am annoyed with small and crampy computer desk. I guess you should just buy big wooden table instead of computer table. Many computer tables are so ‘fragile’ and small.
Wah …ur working space really look like office ler ! 😀
how about putting another extension/table at the side?
I think mine is much much smaller wor…..
Now a days I tend to want a smaller desk, I got a L-shape desk and now I regret getting it.