Never ending Maid Woes

Remember I had posted earlier that my maid has agreed to extend her service for another half a year, provided she gets to return to Indonesia for 2 weeks in December?

Well, I called up my maid agency a couple of days ago and was informed by the agent that we are unable to extend her service for 6 months as her passport is only expiring in August 2007. If we have to extend, it has to be for 8 months and she advised us not to send our maid back for the break as the risks involved are far too high. In many cases, the maids did not even return though they had promised to return. Also, we will be spending twice on her air fare. When my hubby asked my maid if she could stay on for another 8 months (instead of 6 months) without getting to return for her 2 weeks break in December, my maid was reluctant.

Well, now the decision is final. Since her heart is no longer here and she’s just raring to go home, we will not persuade her anymore, period! She will return to Indonesia in December and we will have to look for a new maid….all over again. That’s where my nightmare begins – hunting for a suitable maid, paying the exorbitant fees, training the new maid all over again, what if the new maid is not trainable, what if she has a terrible attitude and all the what ifs. I can only pray that my new maid will be God-sent.

No. of times viewed = 145

Nuchal Translucency Scan

On Tuesday next week, I will be going to my gynae’s office for a Nuchal Translucency scan to assess if my baby has a risk for Down’s Syndrome. This scan is to be performed between 11 to 14 weeks of the pregnancy. For both my pregnancies, I didn’t opt to do any blood test or Amnio to check for Downs and only did the NT scan. My gynae said that the NT scan is quite an accurate marker but not 100% accurate though. Though I’m overall very much relaxed this pregnancy as I know what to expect and handle my discomforts, I am still worried about the scan. I’m worried about all the ‘what ifs’. I can only pray that everything will turn out well. Even if this baby turns out to be another girl, I will still be very thankful and happy as long as my baby is normal and healthy.

No. of times viewed = 258

Tag : First Letter Of Your Name To Answer Each Question

Got tagged by this wonderful cheery mom who’s the person behind the header for my blog.
My name starts with ‘S’ and here goes the list of questions :
1. Famous Singer : Shania Twain
2. Four letter word : Shit
3. Street : Sesame Street
4. Color : Silver
5. Gifts/Presents : Shirts
6. Vehicle : Stream
7. Things in Souvenir Shop : Sunglasses
8. Boy Name : Sean
9. Girl Name : Sherilyn
10. Movie Title : Sleepless in Seattle
11. Drink : Sour Sop
12. Occupation : Stenographer
13. Celebrity : Sit Kar Yan, Nancy (HK actress)
14. Magazine : Style
15. U.S. City : San Francisco
16. Pro Sports : Skiing, skating
17. Fruit : Starfruit
18. Reason For Being Late To Work : So tired!
19. Something You Threw Away : Straws
20. Something You Shout : Shit or ‘Sei Lor’!!
21. Cartoon Character : Strawberry Shortcake
and I’d like to pass this tag to :
1) Wen

2) Barbara… another interim post for you 🙂

No. of times viewed = 163