I was taken by surprise when I received this tag from Judy. I’ve never visited her blog before and I can’t recall her visiting my blog too. Thanks Judy for visiting my blog and for this tag. I do hope you’ll make your presence more at my blog!So this is what I’m supposed to do :
1. Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 key words given below.
2. Tag 5 other friends to do this meme. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better.
3. Don’t forget to read the archived post and leave comments.
Link ONE must be about family
Lovely Sunday
Link TWO must be about friends
Nice People
Link THREE must be about yourself:
Sweet Memories Part 2
Link FOUR must be about your love
Sweet Memories
Link FIVE can be anything you like
Before Alycia and Sherilyn Came Along
Here I need to tag 5 people
1) Scibbles For My Angels… hope you are feeling well enough to do this tag 🙂
2) Karen Yiau
3) Lian
4) Janice
5) Mariuca
and 2 new acquaintances
1) Misha
2) Hijack Queen
P.S. : I took more than an hour to complete this tag – interruptions by the 2 rascals in between, looking for new acquaintances, then jumped from one blog to another to another to another……. and left comments in their blogs……coz all the blogs seem so interesting…. until I really forgot what my mission was…. LOL!
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