They Love Being With Mah Mah

The gals love being with their mah mah (paternal grandma) because only mah mah will be so lenient with them with food. Since mah mah loves eating, she buys new food home for the gals to eat almost everyday. Several days ago, mah mah bought a packet of dried pork meat home. As she was cutting the dried meat into smaller pieces to be stored into a tupperware, the gals crowded round her and waited to be fed with the meat. With mah mah at home, the gals will never go hungry as there are tidbits and snacks in the house all the time.

No. of times viewed = 155

MIL Going Back To Hong Kong

My mil will be going back to Hong Kong tomorrow. I hope the gals will take it well, especially Alycia who has grown so attached to her mah mah over the last 3 weeks. Each morning when Alycia wakes up, the first thing that she’ll ask is “where is mah mah?” Starting from Monday, mah mah will not be here anymore. Alycia also tends to stick to my mother, her granny every time we go back to Ipoh. Each time we had to return to KL, she will start to whine and say “i don’t want to go back to KL. I stay here with granny” and will cry big time when it’s time to get into the car. Hopefully tomorrow she will not cry when her mah mah gets into the car.

No. of times viewed = 181

Diaper-Free Accident

It has been more than 2 weeks since Alycia has been off diapers during her daytime nap and so far, she’s been good and has not wet the mattress. Yesterday was the first accident. I normally wake her up 1 hour into her nap to bring her to the potty that’s placed next to the mattress on the floor. However, yesterday I got a shock when I touched the mattress and it was soaked! And she had slept out of the plastic mat placed beneath her. The mattress was totally drenched with her pee and since the mattress has been soiled with pee and puke several times already, I threw the mattress away. Today, she has to sleep on my mil’s Japanese Tatami mat and Sherilyn has to sleep on the baby-size mattress from the playpen. I better go and check Alycia and bring her to the potty now. I have no more spare mattresses!

No. of times viewed = 153

Maid’s Birthday

Today is my maid’s birthday and I say she’s lucky. Why? Because coincidentally my hubby has ordered a Tiramasu cheese cake from Shangri-La Hotel that’s complimentary for members last night. Members must dine in the hotel to be eligible for the complimentary cake. We only found out that it’s our maid’s birthday today.
Hubby and mil are now enjoying their lunch at the hotel before she returns to Hong Kong this weekend – when 2 dines in the hotel, there’s a 50% discount. When they come back, we will present the cake to our maid and sing happy birthday to her. The gals will love it. They love singing happy birthday, blowing candles and cutting birthday cakes. I have also given my maid some cash in a red packet. Must belanja a bit lar and make her happy. Hopefully she’ll agree to extend her stay with us further after her 6-month extended stay.

No. of times viewed = 198

Isu TigaP Lagi

Kalau kamu tak tau lagi, TigaP ini sekarang banyak cari susah dengan belogers. Sekarang mereka mau semua pos bayar dalam belog kamu diikuti dengan satu pos peribadi yang bukan bayar. Walaupun pos bayar tu bukan dari tigaP, kamu mesti taruh 1 pos peribadi selepas semua pos bayar kamu – dari tigaP dan dari syarikat-syarikat iklan yang lain. Buat macam ni, susah sangat kerja dengan tigaP. Kebanyakan belogers kami ni suri-rumah tangga yang ada anak-anak kecil dan sangat sibuk. Dengan polisi baru ini, mana ada masa nak tulis banyak pos bayar dan pos peribadi? Mesti cari jalan baru cari makan macam ini.

No. of times viewed = 220

Lunch Box Unveiled….. Again

This is what’s inside the styrofoam lunch box that my mil packed several days ago – wantan noodles with freshly roasted char siew or barbequed pork. This shop near my house sells very tasty wantan noodles and roasted meat (roasted chicken, roasted duck, char siew, siew yoke and roasted intestines). My hubby and I can spend RM30+ just on the assortment of roasted meat for lunch for the both of us.

No. of times viewed = 267

Mandarin Class

I really wanted to find out the root of the reason why Alycia has been puking each morning before she went to school. Yesterday evening I asked Alycia if she liked attending her extra Mandarin class and she told me NO, a BIG NO. Aahhh…… could this could be one of the reasons why she puked as she was trying to avoid attending Mandarin class? Mandarin to her is quite like a foreign language for she only gets to practise conversing in it when my mil stays with us and that’s like 3 times in a year. When I asked her further if she likes her regular classes, she nodded and said yes. She also said she likes her teachers and friends. There is even a fat boy who likes her and keeps tickling her and gives her stickers. So I deduce that Alycia feels stress up when she attends a foreign language class. Maybe I should consider pulling her out from the Mandarin class since I don’t even intend to send her to a chinese medium school in future.

No. of times viewed = 275

What A Waste

These are some expensive sea cucumbers which my mil has soaked for days to soften them. She had wanted to stew the sea cucumbers with chicken feet. As she was washing the sea cucumbers just a moment ago, she noticed that there were many tiny brown specks stuck inside the sea cucumbers. Based on her past experience, she told me that she has never seen such specks inside sea cucumbers before. As she felt uneasy and skeptical about the unusual spots, she threw all the sea cucumbers away! It’s better to be safe than sorry she said. So off to the bin the sea cucumber went and my mil just stewed the chicken feet with dried scallops and dried cuttlefish.

No. of times viewed = 277

Satisfying Lunch

I’ve had quite a heavy lunch today. First I craved for Tosei, so my hubby got his staff to buy 2 pieces (1 for me, 1 for my maid) from the Mamak restaurant. Then today, hubby’s chef cooked some Malay dishes for my hubby to sample and he packed some back for me for lunch. There were green curry chicken, Thai style fried fish, deep fried baby bitter gourd (which was one of the tastiest despite the slight bitterness), deep fried squid rings, Tom Yum Gong with big prawns (I didn’t eat this dish coz it was too spicy), fried assortment of vegetables, Mango Kerabu with dried shrimps Thai style (very tasty too) and deep fried pandan wrapped chicken, Thai style (which was the tastiest). Though there was a wide array of dishes, I however ate just a little of everything coz they were just too meaty and heavy. The green curry went very well with the Tosei. There is still so much food left and I’ve passed everything to my maid for her to savour.

No. of times viewed = 253

Blog Problem Solved!

Yay!! My blog problem is finally solved last night. I wish to thank everyone who had given me their advice, especially to Girlie as she told me that the problem could be due to some codes that I’d added to my blog. When she said codes, it didn’t strike me immediately that it could be some widget codes from advertisers. It was only 2 days later that it struck me. I also prayed hard to God to help me solve my problem as I was really desperate to get help and I think He heard my cries for his help. No one seemed to be able to help me with this problem and it was such a nagging problem coz I had wasted so much time whenever my blog ‘hang’ and I had to log out and log in countless times each day.

So the solution was I removed the ad from The News Room. I have been adding ads from The News Room into my blog for months but never encountered any problems with my blog, except that when the video was being downloaded into my blog, my blog would slow down for a few seconds. I changed the ad and added a new one a week ago. When I finally had time to sit down and ‘study’ my blog last night, it finally dawned on me that it could be this ad that’s the culprit. When I had removed the codes for the ad from my blog, voila…. my blog was processing fast again and didn’t ‘hang’ anymore. I’m so glad that my ordeal is finally over after more than 1 week.

So to bloggers who have ads (esp. videos) from The News Room, please be warned that it could slow down your blog and cause the memory to run out.

No. of times viewed = 244

Alycia Puked Again

Today is Alycia’s 4th day of school. This morning, after drinking her bottle of milk, Alycia puked again immediately. This only happens when Alycia has to go to school. Yesterday, she was ok. I think Alycia must have felt very nervous going to school as she is quite a shy girl, especially when she’s with strangers and crowds. I just hope this is only a fleeting phase and that by next week, Alycia would have gotten the hang of it and love going to school.

No. of times viewed = 162

Tag : Blogging Tips

Got tagged by Hui Sia. When I first read this tag, it looked pretty confusing but after reading it the 2nd time, I finally understood how it’s supposed to work. Just write your own blogging tip and put your blog url beneath your tip. The next blogger who’s tagged is to write his/her tip and put his/her blog url below the tip.


It’s very simple. When this is passed on to you, copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.) Write your own blogging tip for other bloggers. Try to make your tip general. Tag as many people as you want.

1. Look, read, and learn.****

2. Be, EXCELLENT to each other.****

3. Don’t let money change ya!******

4. Always reply to your comments.*****

5. Blog about what you know & love.******

6. Don’t use filthy language-buy a dictionary.****

7. Blog about something educational.***

8. Be yourself; others will follow. ***

9. Don’t have too many blogs that will become a chore to maintain.***

10. Keep it simple, user-friendly, interesting and organised! **

11. Keep the blog simple and sweet!! ***

12. Share with others your thoughts and don’t be shy!****

13. Never ask for link exchange. Blog hop to increase traffic.**

14. Don’t clutter your blog with ads all over the place. IT’S IRRITATING.

15. Don’t comment for the sake of commenting. Some looked too fake and its a big turn off!*

16. Share something interesting and you will gain more readers.*

17. Don’t think people will come to your blog if you’re not willing to pay a visit to them.*

18. Give lots of handy tips to your readers, eg. parenting tips, cooking tips, etc. to gain readership.

I’d love to hear tips from the following wonderful bloggers :

1) Montessorimum
2) The New Parent
3) Mamabok

No. of times viewed = 555

What’s Inside The Lunch Box… Again

My mil has just bought a packet of delicious food from the coffee shop near our house. It’s 3pm now and it’s the gals’ naptime but with food from mah mah, you think they will drink their milk? No way…. even an adult can’t resist the temptation to have a bite or two of this delicious food. Want to know what’s inside? Want to make a guess? Scroll up to find out what’s inside.

No. of times viewed = 249

Tag : 10 Questions Tag

Got tagged by Shern’s Mom on this 10 questions tag. Here it goes :

Q1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was still single and working as a Human Resources Officer in a bank.

Q2. What were you doing 1 Year ago?
Holding the same old job of SAHM.

Q3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Pumpkin seeds candies, roasted almonds, brazil nuts, peanuts, Twisties.

Q4. What are 5 songs you know the lyrics to?
Oh boy, ever since I stopped working and driving, I seldom listen to the radio. But these oldies which were top hits in the 80’s and 90’s were my favorites and I can still remember the lyrics :
I’m All Out of Love by Air Supply, Two Less Lonely People In The World, That’s What Friends Are For, Beautiful Girl by Jose Marie Chan, Local Motion by Kylie Minoque

Q5. 5 things you would do if you are a Millionaire?
Travel round the world, donate to charity, save for my daughters’ education, buy my dream house, buy my dream car.

Q6. 5 Bad habits?
Impatient, bad tempered, good worrier, stubborn, too far-sighted – I tend to plan too far ahead for anything.

Q7. 5 things you like to do?
Blogging, shopping, reading, eating, traveling

Q8. 5 Favourite Toys?
My trampoline, my dumb bells, my fit ball, skipping rope, the treadmill.

Q9. 5 things you would never wear?
Baggy pants, baggy t-shirts (though I used to wear them in the 80’s as they were the in thing), dresses with ribbons, bows and laces, clothes with big floral prints, clothes with motif of animal skin (yikes, I hate them, esp. leopard and tiger skin motif)

Q10. 5 things you hate to do?
Ironing the clothes, washing my car, cleaning up vomit, taking medication when I am sick and being exposed to the scorching afternoon heat.

Not tagging anyone for this.

No. of times viewed = 166

Crockpot Lid Unveiled

This is what was stewing in the crockpot – abalones. These are not canned abalones but dried abalones and are supposed to cost way more than canned ones. How did my mil cook the abalones? First, she soaked the abalones for a few days in the fridge. Then, she put the abalones into the crockpot and cook them overnight on slow heat for more than 24 hours. When the abalones were tender enough, she removed them from the crockpot and sliced them. She had wanted to cook a sauce for the abalones but since she was busy, we just ate them plain – with no salt or seasoning and they tasted good. But I am not a great fan of abalones, my hubby is.

No. of times viewed = 204

Alycia 1st Day of School

Yesterday was Alycia’s first day of school after resting for more than 6 months. As expected, she puked after her milk in the morning. This time, I knew instantly that she was actually nervous going to school. When she first woke up in the morning, she pretended to cough. After her milk, she told me that she had tummy ache and acted as if she wanted to puke. Minutes later, she puked in the sink.

My mil and I walked her to school with Sherilyn tagging along as my hubby had to send his car for service. When she was at the school compound, the teachers were surprised to see her back at school. As it was a Monday, the school kids had to sing Negaraku and the school song. When we were about to leave, she was almost in tears as her mah mah was there and she wanted to ‘manja’ her mah mah.
Fast forward to yesterday evening. I told Alycia that she had to do her homework but she gave me a host of excuses like hand pain, very tired, pencil is too big, she needs a plaster for her thumb (which was perfectly fine), etc. I gave her a good lecture and she began to put in some effort and concentration.

Hopefully, Alycia will get used to going to school and having to do homework and I certainly hope that she can pick up from where she left behind. Most of her classmates are way ahead of her. Most importantly, I hope Alycia’s immune system has strengthened and will not fall sick so easily.

Sherilyn, my little social butterfly on the other hand was so excited being at the school. She was happily mingling with the teachers and as we walked her back home, she kept saying she wanted to go to school. Up until today, she kept saying that she wants to go to school. This morning, when she saw daddy bringing Alycia to school, she wept for a good 1 hour as she wanted to follow too. To stop her from wailing, I had to bring her for a short stroll to the sundry shop to buy some eggs. When she came home, Sherilyn was in a bad mood the whole morning and kept asking where Alycia is.

Alycia in her school uniform and bag.

No. of times viewed = 164