Black Saturday

It was a black Saturday for Sherilyn yesterday. She had a fall once, knocked her chin against a table, got her fingers pinched by a door and had a near miss serious case of having her 4 fingers squashed by the same steel door which broke her thumb last year.

Sherilyn my little fearless samseng was jumping on the couch as if it was a trampoline yesterday. She loves doing that and despite me warning her, threatening her and smacking her for doing so, she is still fearless. I was busy preparing for dinner yesterday when Sherilyn was jumping on the couch. I told her to stop jumping but she wouldn’t listen. Seconds later, I heard a loud thud and she had fallen off the couch, forehead landing on the floor. She bawled but luckily there wasn’t any bruise on her forehead. Less than an hour later, she had forgotten about the fall and started to jump on the couch again, so out came the whip and she stopped jumping.

About half an hour later, I was outside at the wet kitchen trying to shoo a cat away from tearing up the garbage bag. Sherilyn rushed to the kitchen to see what was happening. When I came inside and was about to close the steel kitchen door, I almost wedged 4 of Sherilyn’s fingers on her left hand which she had placed on the back opening of the door, i.e. the exact same place where she broke her thumb when she was playing with the door last year. Luckily, I didn’t shut the door fast enough and my maid was quick enough to pull Sherilyn’s hand away. Phew…. gave me a real fright.

A few hours later, Sherilyn accidentally knocked her chin on the table when daddy was catching her and again, luckily there wasn’t any bruises. Just before bedtime as I was coming into the bedroom from the bathroom attached to my room, I didn’t see Sherilyn behind me and she had placed her right hand on the opening of the door. I shut the door and this time, her fingers got wedged but luckily again, there was no bruise…. she just got a shock and so did I!

What a black Saturday it was and I must thank God that Sherilyn had escaped all the minor accidents unscathed. I hope she has learnt her lessons.

No. of times viewed = 224

Lantern Party

Alycia got well in time to attend the lantern party held at her pre-school yesterday evening. There were hundred over people – kids, their parents and maids and the garden of the school was an ocean of human. We had to wait for almost an hour for everyone to arrive before the walk round the neighborhood with the lanterns. Whilst walking, Alycia accidentally tripped and bruised her left knee. She then demanded that daddy carried her like a princess all the way back to her school!

It was the very first time the gals had celebrated mooncake festival in such a grand scale with so many friends. They enjoyed the walk and also the food….food that I rarely feed them with – KFC nuggets, sausages, pizza, fishballs and crab balls, jellies, cakes and fried meehoon.

After the party, daddy brought them to the bakery and asked them to choose a cake. Alycia chosed a cheese cake and we had cheese cake for supper. It was certainly a day of ‘food freedom’ for the gals.

Alycia and Sherilyn waited patiently for the walk round the neighborhood with their lanterns.

Whilst walking round the neighborhood, Alycia accidentally tripped and fell and bruised her left knee.

The girls enjoying their food inside the class.

No. of times viewed = 178

Another Piece of Shocking News

I’m sure many of you have read the unbelievable and shocking news of a 10-year old boy who molested a 5-year old girl at a childcare centre here in yesterday’s newspapers. The boy had locked the girl in the bathroom before pushing her down to the floor and molested her. Luckily another kid heard the girl’s screams and alerted the teacher. What made the boy do such a horrible thing? He’s only 10 years old and most boys his age have still not discovered about the birds and the bees yet. I can only surmise that the boy must have had saw his parents’ intimate moments together or he could have caught hold of and watched x-rated movies or porn magazines in his house.

Childcare centres are supposedly safer than homebased babysitters as they are governed by Government acts and rules, yet this unimaginable incident had happened. I’m sure many parents who have no choice but to send their young daughters to childcare centres are now worried sick over this incident. If the caretakers at childcare centres are not careful and vigilant enough, this unwanted incident could have happened again, at any childcare centres. I am thankful I don’t have to send my 2 toddler daughters to a childcare centre but at the same time, I am worried about Alycia’s safety now as she attends a pre-school. Maybe it’s time the relevant authorities put in force certain policies and rules to tighten the safety in childcare centres and pre-schools so that parents can leave their kids there in peace whilst they are away.

No. of times viewed = 249

Brewing My Favorite Tea

Apart from Japanese tea, I love Crysanthemum flower tea. My mil who is a discerning tea lover has a cute and handy tea brewing set from Korea which I can make my tea in a jiffy. I just need to put in the Crysanthemum flower buds into the ceramic strainer and after letting the flowers steep in hot water for a few minutes, I remove the ceramic strainer and pour out the tea into my cup. I use this tea brewer almost everday to brew my favorite Crysanthemum flower tea.

The Crysanthemum flower buds. These tiny ones in buds have a stronger aroma than the big petals Crysanthemum.

The special tea brewing set from Korea.

No. of times viewed = 203

Alycia Puked

Last night after taking her medicine, Alycia puked. I gave her a piece of Digestive biscuit as treat and I think she must have eaten the biscuit hastily and the biscuit must have gagged her throat, thus inducing the vomit sensation. I fed her the medicine again just before bedtime and thank God, she didn’t throw up. This medicine is really making her miserable – terribly cranky and lost of appetite. But thankfully, the hearing in her ear has improved – I kept asking her if she could hear and her answer was yes. Also, there wasn’t any complaints of ear pain from her, which means that her ear did not get infected. The best indication is she did not develop any fever coz fever means an ear infection has developed. If she continues to show signs of improvement, then we can attend the lantern party at her pre-school in the evening. She’s been looking forward to the party since last week.

No. of times viewed = 220

Fitball Wonders

I’ve just had 2-3 minutes of back arching exercise on my fitball and let me tell you, the effect is really good. The nagging jabbing pain on my back has subsided. Of course I don’t expect the pain to vanish instantaneously but the pain sure has gone down quite a bit. I shall continue with the fitball exercise…. can’t be lazy anymore!

No. of times viewed = 224

Bad Backache

I woke up this morning with a bad backache. For some reasons, I’ve not been exercising my back on the fitball for a while already and damn it, my backache has re-surfaced. That’s the thing with this fitball. If you work-out on it diligently, your backache will surely be kept at bay but once you’ve stopped working on it, the backache will surely come back to haunt you. I better start exercising on my fitball again coz the pain is really unbearable and causing me disrupted sleep.

No. of times viewed = 204

How Do You Cope With 14 Kids?

I was watching channel 77 with my gals several days ago and there was a program called ‘Kids By The Dozen’. It featured one couple with 14 kids! I can’t even imagine my life with baby no. 3 though I know the day will one day come true as my hubby loves kids – the more the merrier so says my hubby. Montessorimum has posted in her blog that the trend now is that most families have 3 kids. Well, maybe 3 is still manageable but more than 3?? I wonder how these families cope physically, emotionally and especially financially. I really admire mothers with more than 2 kids yet manage to cope so well in every aspect.

No. of times viewed = 229

Tag : The 2s

So happy I got another tag to use as filler post, LOL! Thanks Slavemom!

Two names you go by:
1) Healthfreakmommy
2) Shireen

Two things you are wearing right now:
1) singlet
2) shorts

Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1) patience
2) commitment

Two things you like to do:
1) blogging
2) shopping

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1) good health for my kids and loved ones
2) an increase in PR for my blog

Two things you did last night:
1) blogging
2) read bedtime stories to the gals

Two things you ate today:
1) early in the a.m. – skim milk and my vitamins
2) breakfast – fruits and fried vegetarian meehoon

Two people you last talked to:
1) Hubby
2) My gals

Two things you’re doing tomorrow:
1) blogging
2) shop for weekly supplies from the pasar malam

Two favorite days of the week:
1) Friday
2) Sunday

Two favorite holidays:
1) Christmas
2) Chinese New Year

Two favorite beverages:
1) green tea
2) sugar free lime juice

Two things about me! Things you may not have known:
1) I’m an extrovert
2) I have stage fright

Two jobs I have had in my life:
1) Personal Assistant to a Dato’
2) Human Resources Officer in a bank

Two movies I would watch over and over: (and do)
1) Oprah
2) Fear Factor

Two places I have lived:
1) Ipoh
2) KL

Two of my favorite foods:
1) roast chicken
2) pastries

Two places I’d rather be right now:
1) in bed
2) in bed sleeping and dreaming sweet dreams

Two persons I’m tagging :
1) Mom to Chumsy… good filler post for you, easy one, that is 🙂
2) Montessorimum….i know you’re longing for a filler post too, right? Too many offers eh.

No. of times viewed = 146

Some Really Nice People

I’ve mentioned in my earlier post that I’ve made friends with some really nice people through blogging. These wonderful ladies (you know who you are 🙂 ) have helped me in many ways – offering to buy my gals toys from warehouse sale, offering to help me buy Avent baby bottles and teats from Singapore, offering me help to create a new header for my blog (wait, I’ll send you the pictures soon Annie), sending me SMS to alert me of offers from advertisers, going all out to help me secure offers from advertisers by logging into my account to reserve the offers, offering me help to set up my own domain for my blog, offering me advices on computer and technical problems and the list goes.

Today, I was out having my lunch when I received an SMS from this nice mummy alerting me of offers from this particular advertiser. I replied her SMS and told her that I’m out. Minutes later, she SMSed me again, offering her help to reserve the offer for me. I was so touched by her gesture. Though she’s busy with 2 young kids, one of which is only a few months old, but she went all out to help me. I was really happy when she SMSed me again minutes later telling me that she had managed to secure 1 offer for me. Thank you Hui Sia!

No. of times viewed = 180

Alycia Loves Coloring

Pre-school has somewhat disciplined Alycia. She used to laze around in the house, playing or demanding to watch TV all the time but ever since she resumed pre-school 3 weeks ago, her interest in writing and drawing has surfaced again. Last Saturday morning, after Alycia got up from bed, had her milk and washed up, she took out her Doodle Pro and began drawing with a stencil without being told to. After carefully tracing the stencil, she began coloring the pictures on the Doodle. She was so wrapped up with her coloring that she didn’t even bother to eat her breakfast. So I fed her breakfast as she did her coloring and she had spent close to an hour carefully coloring on the Doodle. Her coloring skill has improved tremendously and she can now color within the lines of the pictures.

No. of times viewed = 204

Sickening News Everyday

Every morning when I go through the newspapers, I read sickening news of rape, murder, plane crashes, fatal accidents and missing children. The latest news is on the young girl who had been sexually assaulted with objects stuck to her private part before being murdered and her body stuffed into a sports bag and left in a shop. The pervert who did that must be a sick psychopath. The one on the missing malay girl, Nurin is also heartbreaking. I can reall feel for her parents. The anguish the parents have gone through, especially when they received news of a murdered young girl stuffed in a sports bag could be that of their little girl. How would you feel if you were the parents? And some sick people could even have the heart to make prank calls to the parents. What have the world become? The days where we could just cycle round the neighborhood the whole evening have become history to our children. I guess my gals will never have the opportunity and freedom like I had to play outside our house and cycle round the neighborhood without parental supervision. I guess they will have to be escorted to everywhere they go until they reach adulthood.

No. of times viewed = 231

Peace Finally

Alycia has been really cranky, whiny, emotional and edgy for the whole day today. She was practically bawling, whining and making impossible whims every hour she’s awake during the day. She didn’t want me to read to her, draw with her, write with her or put on her favorite DVD. Finally, I turned on the TV and switched to channel 77 on Home and Health, her favorite channel and voila….. her mouth shut instantaneously and she calmed herself down. There was a program on plastic surgery and now a documentary on parenting. The gals are now watching the program intently as I explain to them what’s going on. They just love this channel. The idiot box is sometimes my life saviour when all else fails.

No. of times viewed = 246

New Balloons But All With Holes!

Yesterday evening, I bought a pack of balloons for the gals from the bakery. When I opened the pack of balloons, I noticed that the balloons were sticky and stuck to one another. When I tried to inflate one of the balloons with a balloon pump, I notice there was a hole in the balloon. When I checked the rest of the balloons, I saw holes on all the balloons. When Alycia saw them, she again bawled! It was indeed a full day of bawling for her yesterday and today, over every single trivial matter. Though she knew that all the balloons were faulty, she still insisted that I blow up the balloons for her. When I refused to inflate the balloons for her, she put the sticky, colorful and stinky ballon into her mouth. I had earlier warned her not to put them into her mouth but she defied my warning and stuck it into her mouth. I was really enraged. She just wouldn’t listen to me that the balloons have holes on them. The whole of today, she’s been pestering me to return to the bakery to get the balloons exchanged with new ones. Thank goodness the weather is fine and we could walk across our house to the bakery to have the balloons changed, else there’s bound to be another night of bawling and screaming.

No. of times viewed = 168

There She Goes Again….

Alycia just woke up from her afternoon nap and there she goes bawling again…. for some silly demands. This time, she’s looking for an empty vitamin bottle that she’s been playing with but couldn’t locate it today. Earlier this morning, she was already bawling and looking for it but we couldn’t find it. Then she switched excuses and demanded to watch ‘A Baby Story’. I just can’t stand her bawling and screaming, it’s really really driving me nuts. I’ve really run out of ideas to distract her or to subdue her. I’m not feeling well myself. When she wants that particular item, she must have that item and nothing else and most times her demands are impossible to meet.

No. of times viewed = 171

Lantern Party

There will be a lantern pot-luck party for kids and parents at Alycia’s pre-school this Friday evening. Kids are to bring battery-operated lanterns and after the party, the kids together with their parents will walk round the neighborhood parading with the lanterns. I know Alycia and Sherilyn will definitely enjoy this party as it will be their first of that kind and I am praying that Alycia gets well in time to attend the party.

No. of times viewed = 152