I always have the following top 5 ‘bribe’ items at home to avert a meltdown from my 2 gals :
1) Slice cheese or Laughing Cow cheese (all time favorite)
2) Pine nuts
3) Yoghurt
4) Biscuits or crackers
5) Barney DVDs, High 5 DVDs and karaoke nursery rhymes DVDs.
The trick is I cannot give these items to the gals sparingly. They have to earn their reward by behaving well and most times, I succeed in thwarting those dreaded meltdowns.
No. of times viewed = 194
i vote cheese!!!
Ha,ha…for Jona, definitely food bribe won’t work for him….but, nursery rhymes do..
Sounds like a good idea, bt what happens if its nearing their mealtimes? Do you still give them the “food bribes”?
yah…good idea 😀
Shireen… if there’s going to be a meltdown just b4 meal times, i wont give them those food. If distraction fails, i’ll put on a DVD for them to watch and normally that helps.
haha – your bribe items are healthier than mine!!